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Thread: My first firearm purchase...disaster

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    See there TC? Now you have to get more rifles. Damn I hate it when that happens. How about a nice Savage 111 in 7 mm Mag.? I have that same rifle in 270 and I love it but anything over 150 to 200 yards it isn't quite the round you need.
    As far as rights go don't forget that the right given in the second amendment is the right that protects all the others.
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  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I really don’t need any more guns except maybe another pistol, as I get older my EDC 45 is starting to weigh me down some unless in a shoulder rig, been thinking of a Sig 357, 3” barrel

    As for rifles, I got a few different calibers, but my go to for 40 years has Been my Remington 700 bel in 30.06, somewhere along the lines I got ahold of a nice red field scope, one of the older ones with the oblong sight, high light gathering. I am not the long range shooter that some of you guys are, or as my brother, 30 years a marine sniper and instructor, and has been operational in his career. But I have managed to drop every single deer, elk, and hog with it in one shot at under 250 yards, and a couple at longer. You shoot a gun that long that your comfortable with and it’s second nature to you.
    Last edited by tcrideshd; 04-13-2020 at 10:55 PM.
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  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    700 is a nice gun. Can't go wrong with 30.06. my Dad could shoot those 1000 yd shots but I don't even think about that. Never seen anyone who could shoot for accuracy like he could. Anyway 30.06 was his choice of round.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  4. #44
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    When things come together you just go with it

    I happened to look at our local "Yard Sale" site on FB last night

    Two things caught my eye

    A Gas Grill that Shan has been wanting and a Smaller Snow Blower we have been wanting for Remi's yard

    The yard sale had both

    We decided to go look this morning BEFORE some of the SJW's called the PoPo to try and wreck it hehehe

    It was funny because I was only going to bring $500 in cash but for some reason, I decided to grab $1000 just in case

    When we got there the Grill was perfect, and the price was good, I told the guy "We'll take that"
    We looked at the Snow Blower but it was a little bigger then what we wanted even though the price was good

    What I noticed was the table of about 3 rifles and a few pistols

    I looked because as I said above I am after a .338 but of course no luck, they are just not that popular up here.

    Shan see me looking and says "Are any of them the SIZE you are after" hehehe
    I tell her no, and the guy says "What Caliber are you after" I tell him and he smiles and says "Wait a sec"

    He walks into the house and walks out with a Winchester Mod 70 XTR Sporter, with a Laminate Stock already bedded, and has a Muzzle Brake on there..

    .338 Win. Mag

    We do some haggling and I walk away with the rifle and the grill grinning like a Cheshire Cat

    Shan was laughing all the way home

    We get home after Grocery shopping and I head out to the shop...

    I find the last one of 4 scopes I bought 20+ years ago on a closeout special 3x9x40 Tasco WhiteTail with the MilDot reticle that I wanted to put on this rifle, I love MilDot scopes for hunting rifles..
    Then I find a set of brand new scope rings, and mounts to match, tucked away for a later date about 25 years ago.
    Pull out all the toys, clean everything up, get the scope mounted and bore-sighted in.

    I went through the Reloading bench and I have just enough Brass and Bullets to get her run-up and get some loads worked up...

    Still Grinning

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    Things that go BOOM !!!
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Man, that muzzle brake gonna make that sucker loud, Glen. Can't go wrong with the 70, would've snatched it up myself.

    I love it when I'm at the range with my Mossberg 4x4, in 300 Win Mag. Everyone there jumps when it goes off.

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    A beast of a cartridge, compared to..
    7.62x 39
    250 Savage

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    Recoil isn't punishing, and can load them to basically the same ballistics as the 338 Lapua.

    Your gonna have some fun with that Winchester.
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  6. #46
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have a 300 win mag Custom I built years ago

    Remington 700 action of course

    That thing will reach way out there but it was built for the bench... I needed a simple Hunting rifle

    I just weighed it all up 9.5# for the 70 not too bad, my very first Winchester Rifle, I have worked up a couple for people but never owned one myself
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-25-2020 at 02:24 AM.
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  7. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    My first experience with muzzle brakes was going to the range with my buddy and his 338 Lapua. He'd bought it when they were just introduced and made the Muzzle brake himself. There were a few other shooters there when we arrived and most left after the first shot was fired out of the 338 Lapua. Glad I had good ear muffs on. Quieted down quite a bit after he took the brake off.

    I always liked a Mauser action with controlled round feeding, claw extractor and fixed ejector. Just could not warm up to the Remington 700 actions for that reason. I also saw a Remington action bolt handle that had parted company from the bolt body when struck with a hammer to try and open a frozen bolt from an overload.

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  8. #48
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    What a surprise that must have been when they brought out the 338 Glen.. Talk about timing because that was it for sure.. Dont see many of these in Michigan so not real familiar with the Caliber so what grain round are you thinking?? And what is the difference between the Lapua and Win Mag? And those old Tasco Whitetail MiliDot's where a Super underrated scope years ago.. I have a Simmons Presidential 2x10x44 from the same era as your Tasco still in wood box and all the case candy it came with 25-30yrs ago when I bought it.. Superb quality for sure!! Well nice score Glen and I'm sure you'll enjoy tuning that in.. Lastly for shooting high caliber guns with muzzlebreaks please follow the proper etiquette all gun ranges use.. It really isn't that funny with the concussive energy being blown out especially when not informed..
    Take care all! Scott
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  9. #49
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Got my rifle home a little over a week ago and it's STUNNING!! Waiting for the scope mount to come in, will install the scope, and will post some pictures once she's all put together!!

    *Already planning my next rifle acquisition
    gssixgun, BobH and jfk742 like this.

  10. #50
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TCMichigander View Post
    What a surprise that must have been when they brought out the 338 Glen.. Talk about timing because that was it for sure.. Dont see many of these in Michigan so not real familiar with the Caliber so what grain round are you thinking?? And what is the difference between the Lapua and Win Mag? And those old Tasco Whitetail MiliDot's where a Super underrated scope years ago..

    I kinda realized I and others have jumped in on Animal's thread and apologize

    I opened a General Hunting Rifle / Handgun thread here
    BobH likes this.
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

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