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Thread: Kilts!

  1. #171
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    Great for fornication and diaohrea !!
    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

  2. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by sicboater View Post
    I wear Mactavish Dress (sometimes called Thompson Blue) on any occasion I can. I find that the only problem with wearing a kilt is that I tend to feel like I want to drink a ton! It makes me feel like I can throw a car over a building for some reason. LOL.

    My favorite response to the question "what are you wearing under there?" depends on who's asking and how they ask. If it is the smartass that jockeys mentioned above (and more often than not it is) I like this response (to be uttered with eye contact and a grin):

    "Your mother's lipstick."

    If it is a pretty girl, I like this one:

    "A blue ribbon for first prize."
    Your mother's lipstick! I am freaking cracking up! I love that answer. I have been thinking of a kilt and now I just might get it.

  3. #173
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Reviewing this thread again has made me want to get a proper dress kilt.

    I again proudly present MacDonald of Clanranald. This one's prettier than the last I think.

    Last edited by xman; 02-24-2010 at 03:15 AM.

  4. #174
    Samurai of the Straight TommyShave's Avatar
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    Default KILTS!!!!

    I wear A Clan Campbell tartan. I first wore a kilt at a friends wedding. Since then I love wearing them and it makes me proud to be of Scot-Irish decent.

  5. #175
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyShave View Post
    I wear A Clan Campbell tartan.
    Y'are a dog then. Worse!

  6. #176
    Samurai of the Straight TommyShave's Avatar
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    Hey much love for ya. I don't think we harbor any bad feelings considering the dates and times of that .......event. Thanks for the history lesson, seriously. Where did you get your kilt from? Right now I have a kilt from the folks at Sport Kilt. It's a very inexpensive way to get one, but I want something more heavy duty.

  7. #177
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyShave View Post
    Hey much love for ya. I don't think we harbor any bad feelings considering the dates and times of that .......event. Thanks for the history lesson, seriously. Where did you get your kilt from? Right now I have a kilt from the folks at Sport Kilt. It's a very inexpensive way to get one, but I want something more heavy duty.
    I haven't a one, but if and when I do I'll likely get mine wherever my brother got his just to be sure the dyes are correct and because his looks fantastic.

    I've other Campbell friends I love to razz about that.

  8. #178
    Senior Member Zacsdaddy's Avatar
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    Default kilt reply from wife

    Dear Kilters,
    This is my very first time to enter in on a forum of any kind so please bear with me if I break protocol. I just want y'all to know how much Russ (oops am I supposed to say real names?) enjoys this forum and how much help and fun he has had with this group.
    He is having a lot of fun with his straight razors and all the accesories as well. His shelf turned out real nice and I llike looking at it, especially since we don't get much time together, seeing it reminds me of him. (I'm stuck on nights and he is days)
    All of that to say: kilts, kilts, kilts, I love, love, love them, pictures, pictures, pictures, where are they? Russ has one that he bought at Scarbough Faire Ren. fest, it is made of heavy cotton almost a canvas I believe the tatrtan is Black Watch. I would like for him to have a real one (wool) of the Russell tartan which is his mothers name but money and practicality seem to get in the way. Gee go figure that huh?
    Well I better go, thank you for the chat, hope I didn't step on any toes or "nick one's cheek" keep shaving and and show off those legs!
    Mrs. Zacsdaddy
    Debra (oops the name thing again)

  9. #179
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    Default For you

    Hey all,

    Saw the topic on the hotlist and sort of laughed. Im from Canada but I have some strong roots in Scotland. My Dad is a Stewart and my Mum is a Scott.
    I wore my kilt to our campus pub last night. Yeah, it was cold and all, but there really isn't anything more beautiful TO ME than my kilt. Snapped a few pictures of my Kilt (Stewart Mod Black) and my Grandfather Scott's old straight that he gave me last week . Keeping traditions alive!Name:  p_00070 (2).jpg
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  10. #180
    Senior Member geruchtemoaker's Avatar
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    i have a kilt(black watch) and wear it for going to festivals and even hitting the stage.
    i just love the freedom you have in it

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