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Thread: Dogs!

  1. #741
    Senior Member criswilson10's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead - Charles Bukowski

  2. #742
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lz6 View Post
    Bretagne was put down on Monday at a veterinary clinic in Houston, Texas. She was 16 years of age and just too tired to go on.
    Saw it on the news today,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #743
    FAL is offline
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    Sorry to hear of your loss LZ6, I know the feeling, the only thing that has helped me when the loss of my best friend dies is to get another Friend of the same breed. I wish that dogs could live longer, tore me up when I lost my runt Rottweiler,(140#'s of muscle) he was the BEST dog all round we ever had and the house was empty without him, the small dogs we have couldn't fill the void, so I found an excellent Rott, pick of the litter who took away immense pain, laying at my feet right now.

    I pray for your family relief.

  4. #744
    Senior Member Hutch's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss. Having lost 3 Goldens I know the feeling, but each has left it's mark on my heart and I think they have made me a better person.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  5. #745
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Here is izzy a blue tick coon Hound. I rescued her from outta the states about 2 years ago. Best damn dog I've ever owned. Since I've had her she had gotten a few bunnies and 2 raccoons in the backyard and treed 2 others that I got with the bow. More importantly she is great with my children.
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  6. #746
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Ok I,ll bet you no one knew that I would have such a ferocious bad assed dog but here she is, more heart than all the dogs I've ever had

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    Tc, it's those little ones ya gotta look out for. Great dog!
    So sorry to hear about Bretagne, the search & rescue dog.
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  7. #747
    Senior Member Druid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lz6 View Post
    Bretagne was put down on Monday at a veterinary clinic in Houston, Texas. She was 16 years of age and just too tired to go on.
    Nice video!!

    I saw her taking her last walk on the news yesterday ... Very sad ... I could only watch it once. Dogs do so much for us in so many ways, and we sometimes repay their devotion poorly. I'm very happy that this dog was so loved..

    I could never find to whom this little piece of verse is attributed to, but it is very appropriate!

    Here in this House

    Here in this house.....

    I will never know the loneliness I hear in the barks of other dogs' out there.

    I can sleep soundly, assured that when I wake, my world will not have changed.

    I will never know hunger, or the fear of not knowing if I'll eat.

    I will not shiver in the cold, or grow weary from the heat.

    I will feel the sun's heat, and the rain's coolness,

    and be allowed to smell all that can reach my nose.

    My fur will shine, and never be dirty or matted.

    Here in this house.....

    There will be an effort to communicate with me on my level.

    I will be talked to and, even if I don't understand,

    I can enjoy the warmth of the words.

    I will be given a name so that I may know who I am among many,

    My name will be used in joy, and I will love the sound of it!

    Here in this house.....

    I will never be a substitute for anything I am not.

    I will never be used to improve people's images of themselves.

    I will be loved because I am who I am, not someone's idea of who I should be.

    I will never suffer from someone's anger, impatience, or stupidity.

    I will be taught all the things I need to know to be loved by all.

    If I do not learn my lessons well, they will look to my teacher for blame.

    Here in this house.....

    I can trust arms that hold, hands that touch...

    knowing that no matter what they do, they do it for the good of me.

    If I am ill, I will be doctored.

    If scared, I will be calmed.

    If sad, I will be cheered.

    No matter what I look like, I will be considered beautiful and thought to be of value.

    I will never be cast out because I am too old, too ill, too unruly, or not cute enough.

    My life is a responsibility, and not an afterthought.

    I will learn that humans can almost, sometimes, be as kind and as fair as dogs.

    Here in this house.....

    I will belong.

    I will be home.
    Last edited by Druid; 06-08-2016 at 10:12 PM.
    lz6, sharptonn, Hirlau and 5 others like this.

  8. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Druid For This Useful Post:

    dinnermint (06-08-2016), engine46 (06-08-2016), lz6 (07-10-2016), markbignosekelly (06-10-2016), MikeB52 (06-10-2016), sharptonn (06-10-2016)

  9. #748
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Bart's in LOVE!
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  10. #749
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Bart,,,,Is that the New York dog that claims to be Texan??
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  11. #750
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Nah! He is all Texas... Big attention whore.

    Got his ingrown nails trimmed today....Rabies shot..His butt expunged....Racing around like nobody's business! Happy!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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