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Thread: Mustache Wax Help Please

  1. #41
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    I make my own wax using about a 60/40 blend of bees wax and vaseline.The only thing I don't like is how difficult it is to remove, hot water and shampoo does the job but it takes some work. Here's a link with some recipes

    The Handlebar Club | The WAX FAQtor | D.I.Y. Moustache Wax

  2. #42
    Still Learning ezpz's Avatar
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    ive tried murrays beeswax, which was to soft and sticky/greasy..
    ive also tried knotty boy dread wax, which i have enjoyed.
    i will have to try some of the firehouse wacky tacky..

  3. #43
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattluthier View Post
    I make my own wax using about a 60/40 blend of bees wax and vaseline.The only thing I don't like is how difficult it is to remove, hot water and shampoo does the job but it takes some work. Here's a link with some recipes

    The Handlebar Club | The WAX FAQtor | D.I.Y. Moustache Wax
    I've heard coconut oil works great with beeswax.

  4. #44
    Senior Member BenjamanBarker's Avatar
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    Default Oregon Wild Hair vs. Firehouse

    so i know there must be some guys on there that use 'stache wax and i am wondering which ones you guys use??? it seems that Oregon and Firehouse seem to be the most popular (i currently have oregon but am thinking of getting some firehouse as well) what to you like and/or not like about both of these OR any others you may use!

  5. #45
    Member johnny2274's Avatar
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    Hey Benjamin,

    I use both and love them. You already know the OWH has a pleasant scent and pretty good hold and for the first few months that was all I required. I decided to let the handlebars go pretty long though and the OWH didn't hold well enough for me at a longer length, plus it seemed to get soft or limpish on the warmer days.

    Now Firehouse is my go to. The Wacky Tacky can't be beat IMHO. It even held up after an hour long swim just the other day! It also smells good and aside from the Wacky, they have two colors of wax to match your hair.

    If you are keeping your length semi-short and like your current hold, I would shtick with OWH. If you plan on going long and/or want it super solid give the Firehouse a try.

    P.s. you could also make your own or just use Elmer's Glue! :-)


  6. #46
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I have some pretty ornery whiskers growing in a dozen different directions at one, curling and then growing straight ... The nice thing about the wacky tacky is that it has the hold to tame my most resistant hairs. It has a gentle smokey scent to it and even though it's coloured, it doesn't change the colour of my 'stache any more than any other wax does.

  7. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    According to my dad, another thing that can be used in a pinch for the stache is Carmex wax. Apparently he found this out when he ran out of Clubman wax and Sallys was sold out. He said he used it for over two weeks and it worked fairly well.

  8. #48
    Member johnny2274's Avatar
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    Hey Guys, I thought I'd share this as a follow-up. We just got back from Hawaii (with 75-80 degree temps and 72% humidity) and the Wacky Tacky held up like a champ! Attached is a photo my daughter took at around the 2 hour mark of snorkeling and the curl stayed strong even in the ocean!

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    alb1981 and kwlfca like this.

  9. #49
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny2274 View Post
    Hey Guys, I thought I'd share this as a follow-up. We just got back from Hawaii (with 75-80 degree temps and 72% humidity) and the Wacky Tacky held up like a champ! Attached is a photo my daughter took at around the 2 hour mark of snorkeling and the curl stayed strong even in the ocean!
    Well played good Sir, well played indeed! I knew Wacky Tacky was great stuff but I had no idea. You should post the pic up on their gallery. In fact, I think they'll send you a free can if you do.
    The older I get, the better I was

  10. #50
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Just mixed up a batch of wax tonight. I decided to grow a handlebar again and the stache has already outgrown the usefullness of the Clubman wax. I'll report back tomorrow after it has set up and I get the chance to use it. If anyone's interested, Hobby Lobby has their cakes of beeswax at 30% off right now.

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