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Thread: Pets

  1. #61
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    Last week our Burmese girl died of a tumor at age 2, we also have a Toyger cat and a abysinian cat. My beloved Military dog also died because of a car accident (we survived, the dog didn't).

  2. #62
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Here is My 6yr old Black & Tan Coon Hound "Bird dog"
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  3. #63
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Here's again our 3 briards, desperately waiting for the magic word to start eating. Kinnas (mitten) the cat doesn't give a damn about permissions.
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    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  4. #64
    My other razor is a fire axe
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    This is Buddy. He is about a year and a half old (says the vet) we adopted him the first part of December (2010) The description at the humane society says border collie mix with something. But we cant tell when the mix is.. if there is any.
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    He spends most of his days running and then sleeping at the head of my bed. Yes he is very spoiled.
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  5. #65
    Geriatric Gamer/Surf Fisher tonycraigo's Avatar
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    This fine animal is "Bullet".

    He arrived as a rescue that some friends brought over after I lost "Felix" - a short hair siamese mix... pitch black except the balding from the ears to the whiskers planted on the long nose with piercing eyes... and a perfect speaking voice.

    I rescued a domestic short hair from the farm next door that showed up with a bot fly warble in his head - we named Marbles, but I was in the dumps after the passing of Felix and one of my buds showed up with this little furball that would fit in a dixie cup.

    Marbles was already a year old, the "furball" never lit long enough to name it so as it flew by one day I named him "Bullet". The 'black flash' played with Marbles and Marbles tried to keep up until one day they bonded - somewhere out in the wild 10 acres they had free roam of and they were the best of buds.

    Felix taught Marbles to speak before his passage, Marbles thought he had it down, but nobody can 'talk' like a siamese and Marbles was no siamese. I got to give him props for his roar that I'm sure he thought was perfect, but left something to be desired.

    Visitors would say: "Is he in pain?"

    "No... he's just telling me what happened today".

    At dusk, I would step out on the back porch and whistle... the black flash and the grey shadow would come running sideways and pile through the door ready for food and bonkey naps.

    About the same time Mother developed alzeimers, Marbles got feline epilepsy. Sadly Mother didn't respond to the medication as well as Marbles and when she passed in '97 I took the boys to Hatteras Island, NC. They had to live inside, but they lived on fresh fish - and Marbles lived on phenobarbatol for 8 years until he finally gave up.

    I took Bullet to the vet two years ago to have his first tooth removed and the Vet says: "it's unusual to see a cat lose a tooth at such a young age".

    I said:

    "He's 17, Doc"

    He said:

    "No Sh*T!?"

    Bullet demands brushing two times a week - at least - if I forget he reminds me.

    Each night when I get into the 'big bed' he's there and by morning he has every bit of blanket... somehow... if something moves... a cricket or a spider or a fly in pitch darkness it doesn't move long.

    If I live to 200, I'll never have an animal like Bullet. If heaven doesn't contain our animals, I just as soon not go.

    Bullet at 10..
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    Bullet going on 18...
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    His 'niprat' is under his complete domination... and the only way I'd get him on that chair for his photo-op As soon as the flash went off he grabbed that thing and climbed 4 walls. "Bullet" in action...

    He's unstoppable!
    Last edited by tonycraigo; 05-15-2011 at 05:22 AM.
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  6. #66
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Here´s for Bullet and a nice stroy!

  7. #67
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    As has been well documented on this very site, lots of us have four legged housemates who graciously share their homes with us. I got an email today with a bunch of four legged baby sitters. Enjoy!

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to 1OldGI For This Useful Post:

    mapleleafalumnus (06-19-2012)

  9. #68
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    My little boy is sitting on my lap perusing SRP with me and just started laughing at these photos saying "woof woofs." Thanks for posting!
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  10. #69
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    You know as soon as the first kid wakes up, that binky is coming straight out of the dog's mouth and straight into his

  11. #70
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    My nephew's best friend he's over and uncle Chris is busy is the 120lb husky. Those two are inseparable.

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