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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #11211
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    So can you smoke inside the shops ? Here you can but one never knows how laws may differ elsewhere? Whatever else you can glean is fascinating "T" thank you. I'll work on getting some taken of my local and put'em up also .
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  2. #11212
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    It would be a sad day....if you couldn't smoke inside your local Cigar / Baccy Shop. But I bet we will see it happen in our life time.

  3. #11213
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    not allowed in any public space here in Canada, definitely not allowed in a smoke shop

  4. #11214
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    I find the title of this thread amusing now, I'm currently having my first 'pipe of the day' today with my morning coffee

  5. #11215
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    So can you smoke inside the shops ? Here you can but one never knows how laws may differ elsewhere? Whatever else you can glean is fascinating "T" thank you. I'll work on getting some taken of my local and put'em up also .
    Not inside the actual shop. Some, but not all, have separate smoking room or area.
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  7. #11216
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecormier View Post
    not allowed in any public space here in Canada, definitely not allowed in a smoke shop
    LoL.....that is sad..... Here in the "Live Free Or Die" state of NH can buy a cigar and light it up ,as your getting your change back.

  8. #11217
    Senior Member ecormier's Avatar
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    Alright guys, I broke down and bought a second briar and a few new tins. Here's my ever growing collection (just drying some dunhill nightcap for... well... you know, the night):
    Name:  IMG_0433.jpg
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  9. #11218
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    You're certainly off to a fine start,Petey's are good pipes no doubt. Good show chap.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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  11. #11219
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecormier View Post
    not allowed in any public space here in Canada, definitely not allowed in a smoke shop
    I met a young fella at my local about a month ago who was from Canada and he was ecstatic that he could smoke in shop.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  12. #11220
    Senior Member NoseWarmer's Avatar
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    Last nights smoke was a C&D Nutty Irishman in a new MM Washington... Sorry no photo...

    I found neither Nutty nor Irish in the tobacco... I should know, I'm a little of both...

    Description: Imagine a bottle of Frangelico and a bottle of Irish Mist having a head on collision and you'll have an idea of the flavor and aroma of Nutty Irishman, though the end product has a uniqueness that goes beyond the characterization.

    The tin aroma was great, yes nutty and almost fruity. Room note was fair but very light and the bowl(s) stayed lit through the entire smoke.

    To me this tobacco was just harsh with some tongue bite and it left a drying in the mouth and back of the throat.

    I hear so many people rave about C&D blends but after all that I have bought and tried, I just can't seem to find one that I would buy for a second time...
    Last edited by NoseWarmer; 03-26-2015 at 07:45 PM.
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