I've also got a jar of one of their anniversary blends(didn't think to label it of courser derp !) dropped a few orange rinds in too moisten it up a little.
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I've also got a jar of one of their anniversary blends(didn't think to label it of courser derp !) dropped a few orange rinds in too moisten it up a little.
I just got some Stokkbye "English Oriental Supreme" the other day. Great stuff! Kind of like "Shortcut to Mushrooms", but not as sweet. Nice and smoky and earthy tasting.
For anyone that enjoys Cornell & Diehl tobacco’s, smokingpipes.com has their April 15% off bulk tobaccos right now. Just ordered five pounds.
Besides the all but extinct (I own a years worth still)McClellends Fragrant matured cake also fondly known as Pilots mix at my local,I like Mcbaren Plumcake, and for a treat I like Boswells Northwoods. Seems I like the bold with a hint of aromatic,the Plumcake being the most aromatic of'em all. I do like that Rum hint heh. Sorry no pic .
Being a very boring old pipe smoker (only bought one pipe in the last ten years) I pretty much just smoke Old Joe Krantz and Bayou Morning. Been only smoking three of my Castellos in the last couple months but it takes me an hour and a half to dust the rest of them once a month.
Peterson,Port and Pilots mix ............Ahhhh ! Just cracked the bottle tonight too. That in the picture plus a half jar is all I have left of my precious McClellend 2000 fragrant matured cake, :cry:
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