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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #8161
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Tried something different today. I have had a couple of tobacco plants hanging in the top of my garage for at least 15 years probably closer to twenty. i asked my wife and it has been so long she even can't remember. Should be well cured by now! I tried a little water sprayed on it as it is so dry and it burnt pretty quick. I then added to much water and didn't cut it fine enough so it was at the other end of the spectrum. I suppose I should have got the paper cutter out not the Ulu. Does anyone here have experience with or can recommend where I should look for advice on making my own recipe for a pipe?
    Recipe for a pipe ? Do mean how to make a pipe or blending and or growing tobacco ? either way.....You Tube maybe ? Or maybe ask your local Tobacconist ?
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  2. #8162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Recipe for a pipe ? Do mean how to make a pipe or blending and or growing tobacco ? either way.....You Tube maybe ? Or maybe ask your local Tobacconist ?
    I have used Pipestone to make a couple pipes. Another style would be interesting to try. That is why I bought the pipe I posted a short while ago. $2.50 for a pattern and a chance to try it is cheap. Growing tobacco is easy if you have a few square feet of dirt! At this time I have no interest in blending what someone else has made. So at the present moment it is making of pipe tobacco that I am interested in. I know enough to be dangerous at this time! I have searched some on the web and as we all know much of that is B.S. I have looked up local tobacconists and they know less than I do.

    Smoking a pipe that I made with tobacco that I have grown and cured would be cool.
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  3. #8163
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I have used Pipestone to make a couple pipes. Another style would be interesting to try. That is why I bought the pipe I posted a short while ago. $2.50 for a pattern and a chance to try it is cheap. Growing tobacco is easy if you have a few square feet of dirt! At this time I have no interest in blending what someone else has made. So at the present moment it is making of pipe tobacco that I am interested in. I know enough to be dangerous at this time! I have searched some on the web and as we all know much of that is B.S. I have looked up local tobacconists and they know less than I do.

    Smoking a pipe that I made with tobacco that I have grown and cured would be cool.
    Making of...So If I understand correct,you mean the processing of i.e curing, drying etc. ?
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  4. #8164
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Making of...So If I understand correct,you mean the processing of i.e curing, drying etc. ?
    Don't dry it to fast or it won't color cure right. I am starting to understand that. Basically whether the tobacco is air dried or forced in a kiln you are breaking the chemicals down in the leaf. Or releasing them such as ammonia. In my layman's terms you are rotting it! Cigarette tobacco seems much easier with less added such as molasses etc. Pipe tobacco is moister and has more of an artificial casing than cigarettes. that is the recipe I am looking for. I may be wrong but am looking for answers.

  5. #8165
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Well...this is certainly not the end all be all,but try here fore starters.Read how the different tobaccos are made. Mac Baren There is some very good info here.
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  6. #8166
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Better link here ... Mac Baren
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  7. #8167
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Well...this is certainly not the end all be all,but try here fore starters.Read how the different tobaccos are made. Mac Baren There is some very good info here.
    the first link was usefull and no time to check out the second before bed.

    The part I like/laugh at is when they say the recipe is secret. I have found many times throughout my life that the bigger the secret the easier something is. A true master will tell you what he knows and chuckle to himself when you fail.

    It is not hard to make a razor. Get yourself a belt sander and hold a razor looking object to it until you have the proper shape!

    A little extreme example but you can find the info here. Some can do it but most don't/can't.
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  8. #8168
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Don't dry it to fast or it won't color cure right. I am starting to understand that. Basically whether the tobacco is air dried or forced in a kiln you are breaking the chemicals down in the leaf. Or releasing them such as ammonia. In my layman's terms you are rotting it! Cigarette tobacco seems much easier with less added such as molasses etc. Pipe tobacco is moister and has more of an artificial casing than cigarettes. that is the recipe I am looking for. I may be wrong but am looking for answers.

    This is interesting. Speaking from this side of the world planting your own tobaccos have been such a norm in history, where imported tobacco was probably an exception. Mostly Rustica, known as 'kessu' (='sergeant') or 'mahorkka' (=Russian tobacco).
    Some still do it. I found several threads and links from Nordic Tabakskollegium and other Skandic sites but wont post the links as they are in Swedish/Finnish/Danish.

    But shortly: Timing when cutting leaves is most important: you cut them when they have turned half yellow. The day has to be sunny and warm. Then you put the leaves hanging in the dark and warm place with enough ventilation. At least for 2-3 weeks.
    Once they are dry you need to warm them. If you have leaves enough (say at least 50-100 kg) you just tie the leaves tightly together and they get warm by themselves (traditionally they put the tied leaves inside the compost to start the heating process). If the tobacco is too dry you need to moist them (8 litres/100 kg) but not too much.

    With the smaller amounts you just gut them into slices, put into glass/metal jar and put on top of the warm oven for at least 3 weeks (max 36 C degrees with pipe tobacco, few degrees more with cigars) and they are ready to be smoked.

    If the tobacco is too strong you need to soak in cold water for 24 hrs or warm water for 1-2 hrs. Traditionally people used to add some spices to get aromatics, such as sweet vernal grass, hierochloe, mint, thymus or rose leaves.

    I never tried but would be interesting to try.
    Last edited by Sailor; 10-01-2013 at 08:10 AM.
    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  9. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Sailor For This Useful Post:

    32t (10-01-2013), Adam G. (10-03-2013), MickR (10-01-2013), Nightblade (10-01-2013), NoseWarmer (10-02-2013), spacemonkeyjon (10-01-2013)

  10. #8169
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Oh if only I had the time, space and money.....but agreed this is a refreshing topic for this thread. Years back someone(don't remember who) Told me it was near hard to obtain tobacco seed as it was tightly controlled by Govt.. I don't know if that is true or not. Good stuff though this is.
    spacemonkeyjon likes this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  11. #8170
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Poor pic of mr me, taken few minutes ago by my son.
    Currently me and jr are having a vacation of two weeks. Have to make the house ready for the winter.
    For the last few days we've been working our asses over shoulders by cutting the rest of the woods ready. Now it's done and it's time for a pipe. I have almost 10 cubic meters of firewood for the winter. Damn our shoulders hurt for using the axe. Guess we'll have a beer or two or more this evening at the local pub.
    Now smoking some Commonwealth from Norup. Sorry for my unfashionable home work gear.

    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
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  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Sailor For This Useful Post:

    NoseWarmer (10-02-2013)

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