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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #3811
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KeithS View Post
    First of all, really nice job bringing that pipe back to life. It looks like a nice piece of briar and you did an outstanding job. I would not have believed it had I not seen those pics. Remarkable. Well done!

    I wanted to ask if you like the Navy Flake? I've been thinking of getting some myself. I like the MacBaren tobaccos in general. Tell me, does it have any rum flavoring? In the descriptions I've seen online, it doesn't say if it does or not, but traditional navy flakes/cuts often are infused with rum. I enjoy tobaccos with rum quite a bit. Just wondering your take on it. Thanks
    Thanks! I really enjoyed working on this pipe and it's transformed from one that I cared about very little into one that I plan to enjoy for many years. Not a bad way to cut my pipe-restoration teeth!

    I'll preface by saying that I am very new to pipe-smoking, but I definitely enjoyed the hell out of Navy Flake. There is some great flavour in there. Rum, honey and a nice sweetness, offset by some really nice tobacco flavouring. I followed the fold'n'stuff guide from MacB's website and it worked quite well. A nice, slow, sweet smoke. I was beset by wind and cold out on my balcony, but the smoke was enjoyable. I still have a great honey aftertaste right now. The fact that I was also having a Collingwood Canadian Whisky (which is a wonderfully smooth, sweet rendition of that fine spirit) may have muted the rum flavours a bit. I'll have to give it another few smokes before I give a definitive answer, but based on first impressions, this is a keeper for me. Sweet and smooth, but with some nice tobacco flavouring, as well. I plan on keeping this tobacco around for a long time.
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  3. #3812
    It's All about the Groove... KeithS's Avatar
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    Nice description! I will definitely be trying some soon. They should try putting your words as the online description--much more helpful.
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  4. #3813
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    Thanks for the time and effort for the detailed explanation. We seem to run the same taste or at least similiar so this is a must try. I am going to order some this week to give it a run. I ust love the old codger burley blends. Tried a ton of different tobacco but always come back to the old ones. From one GI to another thanks for the help.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Lest I be misunderstood, let me start out by saying Carter Hall is a great codger burley. It's been around forever and with real good reason, it's quite good. However, to my tastes, Carter Hall is a bit too mild. In fact I've often heard it referred to as Prince Albert Light and my experience with Carter Hall seems to validate this description. It is, in fact, Prince Albert light. As a side note, a 50/50 mix of Carter Hall and Prince Albert (The National Joy Smoke) is a wonderful thing to behold. However taken separately, if I had a choice between Carter Hall or Prince Albert, I'd take Prince Albert any day. I am and have been an avid supporter of Prince Albert for many years. However, I would have to say that Granger is far superior to both Carter Hall and Prince Albert. If you've ever smoked Edgeworth Ready Rubbed (no longer made) Granger is very close in body and taste to Edgeworth with just a hint more of the subtle chocolate/dough kind of note common to straight old school American burlies. Nothing over the top goopy or overly sweet but just a fantastic, reliable codger burley. True to the genre it's a fairly straight forward blend that many will consider monotonous but if you're an afficianado of old school American burlies, I would say Granger is a must see. It really does pain me to admit this but Granger has officially de-throned the venerable Prince Albert as my go-to codger burley. I'm about half way through a 14 ounce tub and have not had a less than stellar smoke yet. In fact, try as I might, I doubt I could come up with a bad thing to say about the old bird dog. Granger (if you'll pardon the pun) is just the dogs bollocks. Definitely one worth keeping on hand at all times. Other remarks and observations aobut Granger:
    1. Absolutely wonderful with a cup of coffee in the morning
    2. Magic in a cob
    3. Better in the tub than the pouch (true of all codger burlies in general.)

  5. #3814
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    I didn't notice the sour finish but yeah now that you mention it, it was a bit damper than I normally prefer at first. The dampness does seem to have taken care of itself over time, not that it's become crispy, crunchy dry but the excess dampness that was there when I first opened the tub seems to have toned down a bit; again entirely on it's own. When I have a blend that is really, really damp I often just leave the tub open to dry out for a few hours, this wasn't necessary with Granger and it's never been so damp as to cause bite or trouble with consistent burn or keeping the pipe lit, just a bit damper than I normally prefer. Have you had a chance to sample any of the Cornell and Diehl burlies yet? I'd be willing to bet that being a dabbler in cigars, you'd probably really dig something like Old Joe Krantz, Billy Budd or Big and Burley. They're all very different animals than Granger (much fuller and more cigary) but great work in the burley medium just the same. My old friend Bob Runowski was indeed a codger burley master. I know I tend to beat the C&D drum pretty regularly. Honestly, I don't work for them and they don't pay me a thing. I've smoked lots of pipe tobacco and must say that Old Joe Krantz far and away takes the prize. If it were suddenly the only thing on the market, I doubt I would mind at all. OJK and Billy Budd are both similar to smoking a $15 cigar but at much more affordable prices.
    Thanks for the help. The C&D blends are next on my list, but alas I think I burn some of the tobacco I've got first. Right now I've got about 9 open tins and have yet to try my SG chocolate flake. Actually I think I'll have a bowl with breakfast. Once I move into the apartment it will be much easier to smoke but now I've got to walk either around a mile to my car in the parking lot or go to the top of the parking garage across the street. It's not the walk thats bad or even really annoying, its these bloody college kids that assume if you have a pipe you have pot. I digress OJK, Billy and BandB are definitely at the top of my want lists.
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  6. #3815
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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  8. #3816
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
    Once I move into the apartment it will be much easier to smoke but now I've got to walk either around a mile to my car in the parking lot or go to the top of the parking garage across the street. It's not the walk thats bad or even really annoying, its these bloody college kids that assume if you have a pipe you have pot. I digress OJK, Billy and BandB are definitely at the top of my want lists.
    Yeah, the world is anti-tobacco these days. Time was that a pipe and a tub of Granger was a standard graduation present for a young, university bound gentleman. Now a days, it seems more socially acceptable to burn the devil's lettuce than smoke a bowl of Granger! Despite having grown up in central Florida in the 60's and 70's I just never took the habit despite being surrounded by people who had. Ridiculously stupid, ravenously hungry, extremely paranoid and then tired? Never understood why that was considered cool. Like you, I had an old soul when I was young; all my peers were convinced no one my age smoked tobacco in a pipe. Poor fools never knew what they were missing.
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  9. #3817
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    My introduction to Solani 656 today. Very nice tobacco with a smooth flavour. I could detect the nuttiness and the chocolate tones talked about with this. I'm not blown away, but it's definitely a good one for the rotation.

  10. #3818
    Senior Member milehiscott's Avatar
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    Name:  Pipe of the Day 3-10-12 001.jpg
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    Paykoc Meerschaum Churchwarden
    Wilderness Tobacco
    Zippo Scrimshaw Lighter
    Topinambur Schnaps

  11. #3819
    I'm on The Straight Road jdto's Avatar
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    That is a sweet meer! I am totally going to get a meer one of these days.

  12. #3820
    Senior Member milehiscott's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdto View Post
    That is a sweet meer! I am totally going to get a meer one of these days.
    You can get some of the more simple designs for not too much. That was only $43 U.S. at a local shop.
    MickR and jdto like this.

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