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Thread: What types of watches do you like?

  1. #21
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #22
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    Watches are another one of my major hobbies, I love mechanicals for the same reasons I like straight razors, they are an old art form that in many ways is superior to what has replaced them. My particular favorite brands are Vostok-Europe and MKII though the movement on my handwind glycine is something to behold. I like the sense of fun behind Vostok-Europe they make great looking and practical watches with some neat extra complications only found on watches many times their price. MKII watches a a great small watch company from Lancaster PA that are beginning to put out some of the best fit and finished watches available.

  3. #23
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    My every day watch is one of the origional tazer dive watches I bought about twenty years ago. It had been thru many bands and one case replacement but keeps on going.

    I also have a Hamilto 992B Railroad pocket watch with a Simmons gold chain and a hand carved peachseed monkey fob on the chain. Also have an old Elgin and Waltham pocket watches but they are not railroad watches.

    Would love to have an origional Zodiac Seawolf or Super Seawolf.

  4. #24
    Senior Member pzak327's Avatar
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    My favorite watch is an OMEGA 007 model. I do not wear it to work for work I wear my cheaper Seiko watch. I almost love watches more than cigars

  5. #25
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Thanks to this website, which led me to watchuseek website, I have a mechanical and an Eco Drive. I have a Seiko 007 that is classic and neat looking. Also have An Eco Zilla Citizen. It is HUGE! Like them both. I also bought second hand on watchuseek an L.L. Bean branded Microtec Tritium Military watch for $35 as a beater. It retails for $199.99 so even with the scratched crystal I did good. First foray into tritium as well. Microtec makes Traser, Smith and Wesson, and Luminox watches BTW. My last one is a Timex Military style watch on an OD Green ZULU.

  6. #26
    Member barrieduncan's Avatar
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    I only have one wrist-watch, a matt-black Eco-Drive chronograph that I wear all the time - I love it! One of these days (hopefully in the far distant future) I stand to inherit the watch my grandfather wore in the Second World War - it's an Omega Seamaster Mariner, but what makes it more special is that it was sent to him in 1939 by his uncle (who lived in NZ), who had worn it in the First World War. My grandfather was in the RAF Air Sea Rescue in WW2 - he was quite proud of the fact that he spent the War saving lives rather than taking them, and he wore this watch all the way through. I have his medals and cap + badge and all his insignia which I keep in a home-safe...I'd love to have his watch but can't help feel I'd be too scared to ever wear it!

    [Edit - Ok google suggests its maybe not a Seamaster Mariner, but he def wore it in WW2 and even then it was second-hand. I'll check with my uncle who currently owns it and see exactly what model it is]
    Last edited by barrieduncan; 09-16-2011 at 10:10 PM. Reason: Google!
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  7. #27
    Senior Member jerrybyers's Avatar
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    I grew up with a winder and replaced it in college with a Casio G-Shock. I wore that for many years until I decided to go back to a traditional watch; some were quartz, some were kinetic winders. About five years ago, I decided to buy something special for myself and went with a Tag Heuer automatic. It's the only thing that I wear and have received lots of compliments. It's nice to wear quality - a traditional analog will never go out of style.

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    Tag Heuer Carrera Automatic

  8. #28
    Senior Member eleblu05's Avatar
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    i like mechanical watchs, i have a soft spot for pocket watchs. first watch is a swatch battery operated the rest are mechanical. second watch is a magnus, third watch a elgin 1908 open face, fourth watch a elgin 1902 closed face, fifth watch a charles-hubert all stainless steel closed face, sixth watch a charles-hubert closed face enjoy!
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  9. #29
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    and my last hubert
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  10. #30
    Steel Operator Superman's Avatar
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    The ones I like the most are the ones I have or the ones I could eventually potenially in far future afford with a possibility > 0.1 percent. got two main watches. A quartz Citizen Marinaut and an automatic Orient. I love the Citizen for how sturdy it is, also has Sapphire crystal insead of regular glass and it's practically unscratschable. The Orient just looks classy and I am truly fascinated by mechanical movements, but I prefer the Citizen for most of the time, 'cause I'm afraid to break it. Love both. Orient really makes inexpensive, but pretty precise movements.

    Oh yeah... aaand I don't like gold plating.

    I'd like to get this one sometime in the future. Vostok Europe Arktika. They don't really have good movements, but it's a really big piece of steel and I love it.
    Last edited by Superman; 09-18-2011 at 01:50 AM.
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