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Thread: Absinthe- The perfect drink for Straight Razor users

  1. #71
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyceH View Post
    If you do try it, please don't try to drink it straight. Real absinthe runs about 120-140 proof, and the classic way to serve it is 1 part absinthe to 3 to 5 parts ice water. This not only makes the alcohol easier to deal with, but causes the plant oils to come out of solution where your nose and taste buds can experience them to the fullest.
    YES. 3 - 5 parts water. So many people try to go the macho route and barely cut it. But it's like an extract. It's way too concentrated at single strength and will not taste good if it isn't properly diluted. Good call.

  2. #72
    Senior Member JackofDiamonds's Avatar
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    Default Absinthe- The perfect drink for Straight Razor users

    Just bought some bottles this evening. Brand is Absente ( or Grande Absente). Two bottles, 55% and 69%. Gotta say, I am thoroughly impressed. First time trying absinthe and I just served it up traditionally, 1:3 with a cube. After trying both, I prefer the flavor of the 55% but the 69% is growing on me. Is there supposed to be sugar at the bottom after or am I pouring too fast? Maybe too cold or not cold enough water? These say they are from France but are their some others that are worth trying?
    It's just corn syrup... Warm, blood flavored, corn syrup ...


  3. #73
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackofDiamonds View Post
    Just bought some bottles this evening. Brand is Absente ( or Grande Absente). Two bottles, 55% and 69%. Gotta say, I am thoroughly impressed. First time trying absinthe and I just served it up traditionally, 1:3 with a cube. After trying both, I prefer the flavor of the 55% but the 69% is growing on me. Is there supposed to be sugar at the bottom after or am I pouring too fast? Maybe too cold or not cold enough water? These say they are from France but are their some others that are worth trying?

    My understanding is that Absente is not a true absinthe but something that falls into the category of Pastis. I believe it lacks a main ingredient of wormwood. A good product that is readily available is Lucid. It's a traditional vert. A good Blanche is Kubler. It too is fairly common.

  4. #74
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    As I understand it, the ingredient wormwood is now legal in the USA. Just be sure you purchase the original.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  5. #75
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    You are (or should be) dissolving the sugar in ice-cold water, so there will be some at the bottom of the glass. As OCDShaver mentioned, Absente is pretty much an anise based spirit without wormwood. Think Absente without the final "e" and you have the play on words implicit in the name. Lucid is a good and widely-available true absinthe, and, it's made in France!

  6. #76
    Senior Member JackofDiamonds's Avatar
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    Default Absinthe- The perfect drink for Straight Razor users

    Both bottles advertise that they have wormwood. But it could very well be the case that they use a wormwood cousin and market it as wormwood. Guess I will have to try those others you mentioned. I didnt grab lucid because a friend told me it has a "different" taste from traditional absinthe. So I asked the shop keep and he pointed me to Absente. Personally, I still really like it. I guess it was good start to a new occasional purchase.
    It's just corn syrup... Warm, blood flavored, corn syrup ...


  7. #77
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    Interesting. I checked the Absente website, and it appears they are indeed using grande wormwood. They have in the past been (in)famous for producing an absinthe substitute without wormwood. Personally, I can't wait until the Jade PF 1901 and Absinthe Edouard both make it to the US. They are distilled in France by Ted Breaux, who also distills Lucid, but they previously only could be purchased online from overseas. Viridian Spirits, importers of Lucid, will be importing the Jade lineup starting any day now...

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