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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #1121
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I like SOB carry for everything but driving. Nice
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    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  2. #1122
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    So when asked what I wanted for Christmas, not "Needed" but "Wanted"

    I went with a new Holster for my Beretta 92, it is a weapon that I have never carried Concealed and I have never carried SoB style so I decided that was what I wanted

    Should be a fun new challenge to work out

    Anybody else carry like this

    Attachment 220838
    I like the idea of it. I am very large, so around the back is about the only comfortable way I got.
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  3. #1123
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    So when asked what I wanted for Christmas, not "Needed" but "Wanted"

    I went with a new Holster for my Beretta 92, it is a weapon that I have never carried Concealed and I have never carried SoB style so I decided that was what I wanted

    Should be a fun new challenge to work out

    Anybody else carry like this

    Attachment 220838
    I like the look & quality of the product, but I don't carry there.
    Sitting down in a car seat is a b*$ch, after a few minutes,,, if you end up on your back in a fight, its not where I want it,, not that I will be reaching for it, just that it is a chunk of steel in a location that I prefer to not have it in. My retention training is for a side carry anyways. I don't want the distraction. JMO

  4. #1124
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    So when asked what I wanted for Christmas, not "Needed" but "Wanted"

    I went with a new Holster for my Beretta 92, it is a weapon that I have never carried Concealed and I have never carried SoB style so I decided that was what I wanted

    Should be a fun new challenge to work out

    Anybody else carry like this

    Attachment 220838
    I carry like that when riding , very comfortable on a bike, not so much in a truck. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  5. #1125
    Antique Chaser
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    I live in Colorado. I carry concealed ALL the time regardless of where I go. Usually in the small of my back, with the exception of work. There I carry IWB due to the fact that its against policy and its less likely to ever be seen there. I try to carry in the same two places all the time for muscle memory purposes. I don't want to reach for the wrong place in the heat of the moment. My weapon of choice has become my Smith & Wesson M&P Shield .40. I liked it so much I also bought the 9mm.
    The older I got, The smarter my dad got....

  6. #1126
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post

    I went with a new Holster for my Beretta 92, it is a weapon that I have never carried Concealed and I have never carried SoB style so I decided that was what I wanted

    Should be a fun new challenge to work out

    Attachment 220838


    Things I have learned

    Absolutely positively not a good carry for driving, but honestly most anything but a Crossdraw / Shoulder or a specialized Car Rig pretty much sucks when belted in the car/truck

    Easy as heck to holster the weapon, after I figured out where to attach in reference to my belt loops..

    EXTREMELY fast draw, and very "Concealed" draw the movement is much different from other holsters, and you don't really have to "Rip Away" the cover garment. Your hand simply slides up under the cover and the gun magically appears moving low and fast, the movement is very deceptive also, it doesn't have that upwards drawing motion that is a dead giveaway to a weapon coming out..

    The Berretta 92 is printing regardless of the adjustments I have tried, if I am not wearing a "Bulky" cover the weapon is not really concealed that well IMHO.. The wife says it doesn't show unless I move too much

    Overall, the quality is very high, the function is excellent, but the printing is a downside I am still working on..

    And that is what I got for ya

  7. #1127
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    From a law enforcement perspective these were popular in the mid 90's for about five minutes. There is no retention technique that can be used. Concealment also seems problematic as when a cover garment rides up or works in between the grip and body who is going to tell you about it as you can not see it yourself. They seem to print terribly when you bend over. When you draw as a right handed person, the muzzle is pointing to your left behind your back, not at the threat. If you are grabbed at that point with you arm behind your back, your are at a great disadvantage. Drawing while actively fighting, not going to be easy.

    Just some points to ponder.

    If your comfortable with these, great. They are not for me and yes, I did have one for a very short time about twenty years ago
    Hirlau, Highwayman and jmercer like this.

  8. #1128
    Senior Member Highwayman's Avatar
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    Tennessee is a great place to carry. The laws are fairly flexible and the LEO's here are acclimated to dealing with folks who carry so they don't wig out as long as you have a little courtesy and common sense. Guess I'm old fashioned still packing a Browning Hi-Power in a Yaqui slide holster in the days of black plastic stuff.
    -Slow is smooth, smooth is fast-

  9. #1129
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    When I can carry which is not as often as I like because I am at work and work does not allow weapons on premise. But the days I can I carry a CAI 1911, other than polished feed ramp it is plain jane but accurate and reliable. Enjoy and carry on. Get it, carry on, LOL sorry I could not help myself ; D
    Highwayman likes this.

  10. #1130
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Took my newest EDC out to the range today. A Wilson Stealth, which is a 4" 1911 with the compact grip. It is a little easier to conceal than my Professional and also has the flanged barrel, so it is softer shooting.

    It was snowing, blowing 15 degrees with the windchill below zero. No one else was out there, imagine that.

    Great little gun and 100% flawless functioning.

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