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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #1081
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    Glock 21 45 ACP with Bowie Tactical grip reduction modification for my primary duty weapon and its little brother Glock 19 with the same modifications by David Bowie off duty along with a Ruger LCP 380 with crimson trace laser in my off hand front pocket. Spare mag for the 19 and a zero tolerance Hinderer folder. Stream light AAA tactical w/strobe. All important cell phone to call for help if I have to use the other tools off duty.

    Stay safe all.
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  2. #1082
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    As to the CZ question. I have owned a CZ 75 BD and it was utterly reliable and most likely the most accurate 9mm I have ever owned. Good ergonomics and avg trigger.

    My 2 cents worth on the carry gun option for CZ is that it's heavy and that is bad in a carry gun. How much do you carry it and how often do you ventilate bad guys with it? You hopefully will carry it a lifetime without firing a shot in anger!

    You carry light you leave heavy in the safe unless you're VERY dedicated or under a known threat...then carry two handguns and a rifle! Ha. But I digress, in my experience carry time is inversely proportional to weight...balance is key. Find a gun that is heavy enough you will practice with it but light enough you will carry it. This is where the Glock 19 is the ultimate compromise in this regard.

    9mm vs 45acp if you're military and using ball ammo 45 ACP all the way. If you're LE/CIV with good hollow point ammo then whatever you shoot best.

    Above all else carry A firearm. The best gun to have in a gunfight is the one you have with you.

    Stay safe.

  3. #1083
    Senior Member Mike7120's Avatar
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    My typical EDC for the office is a Ruger LCP loaded with 90 gr Hornady Critical Defense in a Desantis Superfly pocket holster or a Kahr CM9 loaded with 124 gr Gold Dots in a Galco Ankle Glove. I always have my Victorinox Cadet and Thrunite Ti3 on me as well.

    When I'm not at the office I usually carry a Glock 26 or 19 in a Crossbreed Supertuck and a spare mag. I upgrade to a larger light such as the 4Sevens Quark 123 and I carry a pocket knife as well. I've been carrying the Spyderco Endura for a while now.
    Hirlau likes this.

  4. #1084
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This, wandering around out there on the Ranch

    Name:  Griz in area.jpg
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    Has me back to carrying this on my hip for now

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    I want at least a chance anyway

  5. #1085
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Have permit and used to, Glock 36 with Triji night sights and HST +P's. My temper prevents me from doing so these days.
    !! Enjoy the exquisite taste sharpening sharpening taste exquisite smooth. Please taste the taste enough to ride cutlery.

  6. #1086
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy1049 View Post
    Have permit and used to, Glock 36 with Triji night sights and HST +P's. My temper prevents me from doing so these days.
    I liked to carry my Glock 36 but my accuracy suffered due to heavy recoil of the lighter pistol. I now carry the Glock 26 instead.

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  7. #1087
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mglindo View Post
    I liked to carry my Glock 36 but my accuracy suffered due to heavy recoil of the lighter pistol. I now carry the Glock 26 instead.

    Yup, it's a Hot Rod with +P's.
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    !! Enjoy the exquisite taste sharpening sharpening taste exquisite smooth. Please taste the taste enough to ride cutlery.

  8. #1088
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    As an active LEO, I've been carrying for almost 38 years now, where has time gone. Probably should retire again some day, did it once after 30 years. My new Wilson Professional will be my everyday carry. Was the Chief Firearms Instructor and Armorer for the department I retired from. Went through SWAT School at 52 (oldest through the school at the time). Felt like I was too old, feeling very tired after 3-days, then heard some 20 something year olds complaining about how bad they felt in the back of the room, felt better, immediately. Finished the class with a black eye and rappelling off a five story parking garage. That was eight years ago. I'll act my age pretty soon, not yet.

    Sorry, got off topic.

    Still love shooting.

    Am I old school--pipe smoker--carry a 1911--shave with a straight.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to apipeguy For This Useful Post:

    EMC45 (09-23-2015)

  10. #1089
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Cool Laughed till I cried

    Stole this from a friend on FB

    Question: What is the difference between a Glock and a 1911

    Answer: Your German Shepard can't chew up your 1911

    Name:  Glock Dog.jpg
Views: 179
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    Get your giggle on
    Last edited by gssixgun; 09-23-2015 at 04:59 PM.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    grizli (09-23-2015)

  12. #1090
    Senior Member entropy1049's Avatar
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    Name:  10198d1425867542-1911-45-acp-inferior-pistol-uploadfromtaptalk1425867540604.jpg
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    Name:  58263142.jpg
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    !! Enjoy the exquisite taste sharpening sharpening taste exquisite smooth. Please taste the taste enough to ride cutlery.

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