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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #651
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irish19 View Post
    Okay, I have some questions. Maybe I don't know because we're only just now getting CC here in Ill-annoy, but what do you mean when you talk about appendix vs. 4-6 o'clock carry?
    Also, what are your thoughts on a shoulder rig for carrying in a vehicle? It seems to me that most other methods would be either uncomfortable or unsafe to use in a vehicle.
    Think of your body as a clock. Appendix is closer to the navel of your hip. 4-6 is behind the hip. If you're driving or seateda lot shoulder is good. I prefer appendix 90% of the time. I'm skinny as a rail and if makes it possibly for me conceal much more easily. When driving I lift the front of My trousers a little, tuck my shirt and bottom seatbelt strap behind the grip. It rides comfortably, allows for reasonably easy draw and is quick to conceal again.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

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  3. #652
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by donv View Post
    Well, after over five months of waiting, the Glock model 27 has arrived, Huzzah!!! I drove over and paid for it and in ten days she shall be mine. So now I have a question. And I know that a lot has to do with personal preference, but, here it goes. What am I going to carry it in? Some information that may help, although I'm currently losing weight, I consider myself a short, fat Portugee. And, since my ankle is FUBAR, I don't do too much walking. I'm very fond of wearing untucked Hawaiian shirts and shorts. I was just hoping for some brands to look for and what ones to shy away from. I'd just as soon throw it in my pocket, but sitting around doesn't work well, with the Sig I have now anyway. I've never carried with a holster, so I don't even know what options are out there. Anyway, any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance, Don
    I'd recommend Simply Rugged, as I have one for all of my carry guns. They have at least one model that can be carried strong-side OWB or IWB, or crossdraw; all with the same holster. Add some optional "Chesty Puller" straps and you could carry it across your chest (Great for backpacking or heavy hunting/scoped handguns). Prices usually run from around $65 and up.
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  4. #653
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    From time to time I watch that show called 'American Guns'. I don't own guns, but I like the things they come up with because they sometimes get the weirdest requests. Anyway, last week they showed a women who came in because her husband had given her a handgun for 'self defense' ccw.

    The woman was 4 foot something, normal build.
    The gun was a .50 desert eagle.

    It is beyond me what the guy was thinking. That thing is not suitable for most men. For her it was insane. And ignoring the fact that she was more likely to hurt herself than her target... how would she ever conceal it on her person?

    In the end they machined a (very nice) aluminum stock so that she could shoulder it.
    I guess she didn't want to exchange it because it was a gift from her husband.
    Costabro and Mattster like this.
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  5. #654
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Well, Bruno; He probably had given her a high life-insurance too.

    BTW I once knew a female firearms instructor (size petite) that fractured her wrist shooting the .50 DE.
    Last edited by Otto; 08-16-2013 at 03:24 PM.

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  6. #655
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Here in Oklahoma, you can't CCW anything over .45 by law. I've owned (past tense) a couple .50ae Desert Eagles, there is nothing about them that is small. They are well made guns though, kind of like a Sherman tank & it's physically too big for my hands & I'm 6', 265 lbs. Recoil isn't that bad due to the gas operation design, it's just physically a very large pistol, just as you said Bruno...too big for most.

    The "size" race here in the U.S. has gotten down right silly. I shot a friends Smith & Wesson .500 when they first came out. I honestly think it could cause nerve damage in your hands if you shot it regularly like I do my 1911's.
    EMC45, Costabro and pfries like this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  7. #656
    aka Steve scap99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    The "size" race here in the U.S. has gotten down right silly. I shot a friends Smith & Wesson .500 when they first came out. I honestly think it could cause nerve damage in your hands if you shot it regularly like I do my 1911's.
    The 500 and 460 both say not to shoot it more than about 12 times in one day.

    I've shot both single handed, that's a lot of boom in one fist. Hang on tight.

  8. #657
    Senior Member Vegita182's Avatar
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    I really want a 10mm with full house loads like Doubletap or buffalo bore.

  9. #658
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    What makes you want a 10mm for CCW out of curiosity? What platform do you intend to use?
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  10. #659
    Senior Member Vegita182's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    What makes you want a 10mm for CCW out of curiosity? What platform do you intend to use?
    Not for CCW. Just to have. I tend to open carry when I do carry. As far as platform I'd love to find a Springfield 10mm but I would settle with a Glock 20. As a paramedic I get 100 off every new Glock I buy.

  11. #660
    aka Steve scap99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegita182 View Post
    Not for CCW. Just to have. I tend to open carry when I do carry. As far as platform I'd love to find a Springfield 10mm but I would settle with a Glock 20. As a paramedic I get 100 off every new Glock I buy.
    Check out STI's Perfect 10

    I have the 5" 9mm and its a dream to shoot.

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