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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #831
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Bruno, I think you are missing the larger point,-there's no such thing as an offencive weapon,unless its used in that manner. If I stab you the knife (or whatever I have used is being used in an offencive manner. That would be true whether it was a bat or a screwdriver,its how you use an object that makes it offencive or defencive,its the same crap they try to use here about so called "Assault Rifles" because there black and have those scary bayonet lugs,....If I attacked you with a hammer that was black would that make it an Assault Hammer? No the way it was used is what dictates what it is, and one last thing, even though you read about shootings here in the U.S.,its skewed to make it seem more frequent than it really is,compared to the amount of guns and people carrying them the number that are misused is quite small, I've been carrying a gun for thirty-one years and nobody even knows I have one on me,unless I want them to,and the mere presence of a gun stops many conflicts just by it's presence. Two last points, there are no accidents, just bad judgment,and poor handling skills,and unfortunately some use there gun as a set of balls that they weren't born with,and the second point is that the press NEVER,and I mean NEVER reports when an armed individual saves his or her own life BECAUSE they were armed.
    correct on all points. a fire arm is nothing but a tool. it's only fault is who owns the tool. the owner is responsible not the tool. the news media is bias and only reports what is sensational and I believe that the news media is never held responsible for being bias. anyway it's good to here someone else feels like I do.

  2. #832
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert2286 View Post
    I think that you upgraded for sure... I have a Glock 23 and i love it... I carry my 23 on a Glock holster! Super cheap and it rides very close to you! Attachment 152057
    I am 165lb and i carry with just a t-shirt over it... Just a suggestion! My buddy is superhappy with his crossbreed also... I know they are really good
    like the pistol but does the front site catch on the holster when drawn.

  3. #833
    Senior Member robert2286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    like the pistol but does the front site catch on the holster when drawn.
    It looks like it would but it doesnt... I use this holster for the range and hunting and stuff as well and i never had the sight catch... It has an angle where the sight goes though ...

  4. #834
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chugach68 View Post
    My new toy, 20" barrel side by side 12 ga. Real hard to conceal though.....
    Attachment 152099
    I like the s/s better than the over and under. My first was in 65 and an LC Smith 12 GA. Hell of a bird gun.
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  5. #835
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Kimber Ultra Raptor II compact 1911 3" barrel....owned it for 8 years and absolutely love it
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  6. #836
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Anyone ?????

    Just saw the specs on these R.I.P. rounds
    Has anyone seen them or shot them yet ???

    The New Ammunition That Has Gun Owners Drooling | The Liberty Digest

    Makes the old Silvertips, Black Talons, & Golden Sabers look tame by comparison
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  7. #837
    Senior Member Mephisto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Just saw the specs on these R.I.P. rounds
    Has anyone seen them or shot them yet ???

    The New Ammunition That Has Gun Owners Drooling | The Liberty Digest

    Makes the old Silvertips, Black Talons, & Golden Sabers look tame by comparison
    Ok, I am not an enthusiast, someone posted these rounds on FB, but I have some questions. I am not trying to be anti-gun here. I am fine with gun ownership, but given that these can pass through a person and other things with ease just seems insane, am I being insane?
    From their stillness came their non-action...Doing-nothing was accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction, anxieties and troubles find no place

  8. #838
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Interesting,,,I think the company should have marketed better than the stamp, "R.I.P.",,sure it draws the attention of a certain group of buyers, but also immedatly draws fire from anti-gunners. The fact that they are lead free, should have been the selling point, IMO, then again I know about as much about business & marketing as I do computer theory.

    Market them as the answer to lead bullets (The horse being ridin this week) & let the ballistics speak for themselves. If they are as good as stated, it won't take long for the word to pass through buyers.

    I heard this years ago, not firsthand, street gossip, that Black Talon fell by the wayside due to the outcry from trauma surgeons because the torn jackets were cutting through their gloves when finger probing for the bullet.

    9 wound canals of machined copper??? Really ??? this would be a nightmare for surgeons I'd say,,,thus banning it as a law enforcement ammo,,,,the first step to banning in civillian use,,just my guess.

    I'm going to stick with my Guadalcanal favorite,,, a large FMJ bullet moving at a moderate speed.

  9. #839
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    I carry FMJ ball ammo in both my 1911A1 (.45 ACP) and my KelTec P3AT (.380 ACP). Dead is dead. God forbid I ever have to defensively use my pistol. I carry, I practice, I'm proficient, I'm ready if I need it.
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  10. #840
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto View Post
    Ok, I am not an enthusiast, someone posted these rounds on FB, but I have some questions. I am not trying to be anti-gun here. I am fine with gun ownership, but given that these can pass through a person and other things with ease just seems insane, am I being insane?
    No your not,,I'm not convinced by that ad, that it can pass through a person with ease,,I think it's sales hype. A direct hit on a human torso alters the bullet's performance quite differently than a bullet striking a sheet of plywood, sheet rock, or sheet metal.
    EMC45, pfries and Mephisto like this.

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