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Thread: Target Shooting

  1. #171
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Please tell me this is not a shot of posterboard & 8" circles!
    Lol. The circles are about 2.75 inches in diameter. Those are .22LR holes, after all.
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  2. #172
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    So a BRNO Model 4 popped up and I kind of impulse bought it... Took the Klinsky stock and BRNO sights off my CZ 452 and set up the Mod 4. I had to drill a clearance hole into the stock, mount it with only one action screw, and lose the barrel tuner that's built in with the original stock. About to head over to the range to see how she shoots, but I think she looks great.

    Here's a bad pic with the original stock in front.

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  3. #173
    epd is offline
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    After a half dozen trips to our local gun shops I decided to put off buying my first gun until I knew exactly what I wanted. The problem was, anytime I went to buy they were either way too busy, or I would be too intimidated by the 100 rifles to choose from.
    I was flipping through our newspaper and saw an add promoting this mossberg 715t and after an hour of research I had decided this was the one! Back to the gun shop I went last sunday evening. They were slow, the guy was very polite and informative, I walked out with the gun, and 500 round of .22. Through the week I picked up an ncstar 3-9x42 scope, a handle/bipod combo, cleaning kit and a hard case.
    Shooting it for the first time was a real hoot. I went to a friends quarry and shot at old clay birds, I was amazed I could actually hit what I was shooting at half of the time!
    I hope to upload a little video the next time I go out, I rigged my gopro camera to the barrel.
    Anyways, looking forward to sharing my results!
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  4. #174
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Better photos!

    You can see where I had to drill out the stock to allow this rifle to fit in. I'm running with just a single action screw for now.

    6 shots at 50 feet with the front on a rest. First shot is the coldbore shot, and then 5 more through one hole.

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  5. #175
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Looks good Dylan & obviously shoots well (as does the shooter). Is the barrel completely "free floated"?
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #176
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    She's floating free, other than contact at the clearance hole. The original stock has a damping tuner built in around the front sling swivel point. I (very briefly) thought about drilling out the new stock for that, but decided against it. I also do not plan to drill out the front action screw (in the clearance hole) because it would require modifying the bottom of the stock.

    I briefly thought about learning to pillar and bed the action on the single screw, but I like knowing that I can drop a different rifle in, in case my tastes change in the future.
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  7. #177
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Here are some offhand groups at 50 feet with the Mod4. The top and middle are 7 rounds each offhand with the peeps. The bottom was three off the bench with the scope (just doing some testing).

    I think that piggy may be my best group ever, even with the two less than good shots.

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  8. #178
    epd is offline
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    I joined a club last night, monday I go for the required safety course.
    The place is great, 25 yard indoor and outdoor. Its open 24-7!
    They insisted, since I havent ever shot a pistol that I try a couple of their 22's. I was amazed I even hit the target.
    I also saw a sale on tt33 soviet pistols refurbished locally so I bought one, mainly because the ammo is also very cheap @ .18 cents a round.
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  9. #179
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    I just finished building this one and though I would share. It was my first full custom. I made the ISU stock from a single block of quilted, curly burl maple. I have a friend and fellow instructor that is a machinist and he milled that adjustable butt plate for me from aluminum stock. I will be adding a slider hook buttplate to it once they are cast and machined. I sighted it in today. That is a 0.247 inch 5 round group from the bench and my bullets are 0.224 inch in diameter. That is group delta of 0.023 inches with peep and globe sights. I would call that a keeper.

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  10. #180
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    CF that maple is madness! Beautiful gun. Great shooting too. What ammo?

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