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  1. #11
    Senior Member AntC's Avatar
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    My wife likes the nice shaves, the great smelling soaps, etc. She's getting fairly good with a DE too.

    She does tend to roll her eyes a bit when I head off to check out the shaving section in various stores to see if there are any new goodies though.


  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SailorSam View Post
    Short answer: Yes.

    Yes, she's impressed. And yes, she thinks I'm nuts. She's convinced I'm going to cut my head off, but she sure admires the BBS cheeks. And I could hear the pride in her voice when she told her mom, "He sure is crazy, he shaves with a straight razor."
    My wife is in this stage at the moment, but she still rolls her eyes when I start doing any of my "shaving activities".


  3. #13
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    My wife thinks I'm totally off my nut shaving with a DE, let alone my straight razors. She did tell a friend when we were visiting, so perhaps the use of a straight has made an impression. I tend to think it was more of a "my husband is more crazy than your's" intention, but our friend remembered watching her Grandfather shave with a straight razor when she was a girl and we actually had a nice conversation.

  4. #14
    Look Ma, I gots me a custom title! Doc4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b0000urns View Post
    My girlfriend is a big supporter. She bought me my first razor and wants one for herself.

    My wife is not too impressed and is banned from touching any of my razors out of my fear that she'll hurt herself or worse damage the razors.

    Um, in these circumstances, I would have your wife banned from touching any sharp objects out of fear that she'd deliver some pointed criticism' of your lifestyle!

  5. #15
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    At first, whe I was thinking about getting straights as collector/gifts for a friend, my better half was like "you're not going to shave with it are you?"

    Now, months later, she still worries that "although, I know you know what you are doing, someone might surprise you". So I let he know before I shave and she's cool with it.

    I've even been fortunate enough to be in coversations with her where she has told others "yeah, he shaves with a staright razor. The shave is smoother and closer...I like it"

    (I think she has given in to the fact that I'm insane...)

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  6. #16
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    What, no, I wish you would slit your throat with it comments from anyone's other half?
    My daughter did a short course on straight shaving while she was travelling and working in a barbers but never had to shave anyone and didn't like to practise on balloons because of the noise when they burst. Needless to say she decided to start with me but is a little too hesitant at times. This could be because I said if she thought the noise balloons make is bad she should hear the noise I'd make if she cut me.

  7. #17
    JMS is offline
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    I had been using a straight for a couple of years before I even met my wife. I guess because she married into it she figured it came with the territory and couldn't care one way or the other!!

  8. #18
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    My wife likes it because...

    1) I shave more often. At least 3 times a week where it used to be once.
    2) My face is much smoother, and stays smooth for longer. She likes that a lot.
    3) Restoring razors and honing razors is my hobby. She doesn't mind, since it doesn't cost me money. I don't buy much new razors, so financially this is a zero loss operation.
    4) I don't spend as much time in front of my computer anymore.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #19
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    At the family memorial day weekend bbq, I overheard my wife complaining that I now spend more time getting ready in the morning then she does (not true by the way, not even close). However, afterwords, her cousin came up and rub my cheeks (face) and said "wow, that is smooth". So my wife must had told her that is was a closer shave.

  10. #20
    Senior Citizen bth88's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    My wife likes it because...

    1) I shave more often. At least 3 times a week where it used to be once.
    2) My face is much smoother, and stays smooth for longer. She likes that a lot.
    3) Restoring razors and honing razors is my hobby. She doesn't mind, since it doesn't cost me money. I don't buy much new razors, so financially this is a zero loss operation.
    4) I don't spend as much time in front of my computer anymore.


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