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Thread: Tones Barber shop
06-07-2007, 09:03 AM #11
I misread that. I did pay 34 dollars after shipping costs. I will say that if you need a soap dish this would be fine. All I am getting at is that you cant build a lather in it . I use cream because of my skin and I was expecting something that would have room for lathering as it says on the auction. That really is not the point. I simply asked about returning it and a simple go to hell would have sufficed and I would never be writing this in the first place. And At any rate the feedback I left for Tones Barber Shop was all true and I was not rude in any way. I contacted Tones about an item return and they did not respond. In the feedback I left I said that shipping times were good, but that TBS did not respond to my enquiry about a return. The only rude thing about the whole thing is that after I provided to TBS the proof that I did contact them, they still would not remove the feedback they left for me. the feedback TBS responded with was that I never contacted them and not to come back. It is perfectly obvious with the enquiry form I have sitting in my e-mail that I did. All I asked for in the first place was that they look at the damn form I sent them and change the feedback or remove it. I would then more than happily leave them a positive score. I am not going to say TBS does not have any decent products because people buy from them quite frequently. I am not being rude here when I say that it is a lie that I never contacted you. I can provide the e-mail to anyone who needs it and that should have been good enough for you and I to mutually withdraw our feedback. Feedback on eBay is their for a purpose. I left the good part of the transaction and the bad part in a perfectly honest, decent manner. I did not even leave you a negative score I said Neutral.
I am sorry but this bowl may be good as a soap dish, but if anyone bulids a decent lather in it I hope they see this thread so I can discuss it with them.
Oh, Well
St happens I am getting a scuttle any day now and am looking forward to it. This will soon be a distant memory
Last edited by matt; 06-07-2007 at 09:27 AM.
06-07-2007, 09:24 AM #12
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Thanked: 0we have never had an email from you at all it clearly stats the size of the Bowl. Why should we remove freedback when you have been notthing but rude we have over 4500 feedack on ebay and we have over 100 customers a day on our website we are fair if this user would say sorry for the lies we would think about removing the feedback as this thread knows only half the story we have tryed and be helpful to this user and we have notthing but rudeness from him so why should we take this from anyone and then he trys to blackmail us this is not on we have a good repertation
06-07-2007, 09:29 AM #13
I made an enquiry on the website. This is the auto response I got. How the hell is this lying. What lies am I telling??? I was under the impression that the bowl would be deeper. I have not had help from you. You never answered my enquiry. You will not remove the feedback after I proved that I did make the enquiy. Why??? That is beyond rude it is slander.
This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message - Mark as Unread ] Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 13:01:06 +0000 Subject: Enquiry submitted to Tones Barber Shop To:[email protected] From:[email protected]Add to Address Book
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Dear Matthew
This is an auto response email confirming your enquiry the details of which are as follows:-
Title:MrFirstName:MatthewLastName:Schusteremailadd ress:[email protected]:5035087866Count ry:United StatesMessage:I received this bowl and have been using it for a few days, but upon use it is really to small to use soap or cream in.
Is it possible to return this item??EnquiryType:generalHTMLemail:Enable
Thank you for your enquiry. We will be in touch with you shortly.
Tones Barber Shop edited by matt; 06-07-2007 at 09:35 AM.
06-07-2007, 09:37 AM #14
I bought 2 'best badger' shaving brushes from Tones Barber Shop a little over year or so ago as an estimate. From the word go, everytime I used the brush, at least 20/30 hairs would fall out of it. I thought this was just the brush 'breaking in' (as I was a noob back then) but a few months later and the brush was still losing a massive load of hairs. The brush in fairness was relatively inexpensive but extremely poor quality build.
I have since bought a Vulfix #2234 and have had it about a year now and would you like to know how many hairs this brush has shed during the whole year? 2 hairs lost in a whole year!!!
Just shows huh.
I never tried sending the 2 brushes back for a return that I bought from Tones Barber Shop off Ebay due to the fact that I live in Northern Ireland and the postage to England wouldn't be worth the hassle (money and time spent - refund value), so I just put it down to 'experience.
Im not saying all of Tones Barber Shop's goods are poor as I have not purchased them all to see but the 2 brushes I bought were not good.
06-07-2007, 09:52 AM #15
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Thanked: 0we have never got this email as you sent it to shipping not sales but this still does not point out you have been notthing but rude to us and told notthing but lies and by the looks of the email we would not have took it back as its has been used and was not damge in anyway as soon as you say sorry we will remove feedback
06-07-2007, 09:58 AM #16
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Thanked: 0
06-07-2007, 10:30 AM #17
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Thanked: 0I don't generall think wading into the middle of an argument is the best thing to do, but I am compelled to add my thoughts.
Tone - an email WAS sent to your company, and the fact that it was sent to shipping or to sales makes little or no difference in the customers eyes.
Having said that the email that was sent was little more then a one liner that did not explain the problem the customer was having, and was pretty short and to the point.
I think there are reasons on both sides to be unhappy.
However, I will say straight off the bat that I get reallyoff with ebay retailers who give retaliatory feedback to people that is negative when a neutral feedback is given. The guy did not negative score you - he only said an honest appraisal of the item in his opinion, and of the subsequent services he received.
I have to say also that the buyers posts above are always pretty well written, whereas the vendors responses are often harsh, negative and can be read as aggressive, with poor syntax and punctuation.
Further, frequently referring to how many happy customers a vendor has does not take away the fact that one person has a bad experience. It is not that you have lots of positives, in this world you are judged on how you deal with the occassional negative.
There is much room for improvement in how this whole thing has been handled by both sides, but at the moment it looks to me that Matt DID email you Tone, and that you did not respond to this email. That is the start of the whole thing. The negative feedback, in your heart of hearts, you know was retaliation. I think you, as the vendor, need to be the one backing down and setting an example to your other potential customers on this site.
Of course, if other evidence comes to light in this fascinating case I am always happy to review my policy
06-07-2007, 10:35 AM #18
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Thanked: 0
06-07-2007, 10:48 AM #19
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Thanked: 0We are interested in the comments made regarding the shaving bowl bought by this gentleman. The item is clearly described and includes the actual measurement of the bowl so one is left wondering why he bought it in the first place. It appears that he has used the bowl and then wished to return it although we have only been made aware of that fact through a third party. Our Customer Service is second to none and our Terms and Conditions of sale are clearly stated. We sell hundres of this item all over the world and the bowl size is quite capable of taking two of our 3.5 soap domes.We regret that the gentleman is unhappy with the item and our service but feel that he could have expressed his discontent in a less hostile and public manner.
06-07-2007, 10:57 AM #20
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Thanked: 1Well said Si, I agree it is never a good idea to join a discussion part way though, so these are my thoughts based on the discussion so far.
In my mind the customer is always right, whether they are right or wrong, with in reason. It is a fact of life if you pay money for something you want it to meet your expectation, and this item did not meet expectations. You have 100 happy customers a day, which is fantastic, well done, so just accept that one customer is not happy, and fix the problem.
This argument will not affect the customer in any way. But this disagreement over 15 pounds could end in a downward spiral of disrespect for the shop, by some members of this forum and other forums.
This not about who is right and who is wrong it is about what is right!
That said it should never have got to the point of needing to be discussed on this forum.