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  1. #41
    Oh Yes! poona's Avatar
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    I am also happy that I am to be given an exchange for 2 brushes Ive had for over a year (albeit not used much) and also to receive a free gift and refund of postage.

    In fairness, the small outlay to us both will pay dividends in the long run from the positive marketing on this forum.


    Last edited by poona; 06-08-2007 at 11:46 AM.

  2. #42
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    I agree,

    Glad to hear you are getting your reimbursement from Tones as well. When you think of how many people will read this thread, and see the end results, I am sure Tones will be a likley merchant for many SRP forum members.

  3. #43
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    I'm not sure what happened as it seemed there were multiple personalities using the Tone Barber Shop member name on this thread but it's clear that Tones stepped up to the plate and showed themselves to be a company of good repute. I'm glad things have worked out and commend Tones for customer service. So far as I'm concerned, they have redeemed themselves.

  4. #44
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    You guys realize the post from me was an EXAMPLE of how to give good customer service.

    First..appologize. It may or may not be your fault, but I am sure any business that has a customer service issue is sorry. Not necessarily for what occured, but simply sorry for the sitution. Always appologize.

    Second. Empathize. Put your self in the customers shoes. Explain that perhaps you would be upset.

    Third. Office a solution. "we are doing all we can to help you". "We are going to take care of you" and offer a viable solution for both the customer and yourself. Even if it simply a manner in which the customer saves face, offer a solution. Explain you are trying to help them.

    I am sure everyone understood it was from me, as signed Jerry, NOT from the barber supply house, correct?


  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    I appreciate Catherine stepping in and commenting on this thread. While I have not ordered from Tones, I have considered it in the past, and had made up my mind that I now would never order from them. Catherine's appearance makes a big difference in my thinking.


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