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  1. #31
    scots hone man coully's Avatar
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    Default give aways???

    wow , i knew this forum was good but to carry out, im scottish and we know about not giving anything away so if this is a draw then count me in because all you guys keep helping me and getting me in trouble with the wife cos she cant check her e-mail.....
    big up...coully

  2. #32
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adjustme69 way dude. You're getting there. You did a great job getting the concave out of those blades. Keep up the good work. Lynn
    Jus' kiddin'. And don't worry, any obsession thet lasts more than a few months with me is a keeper. All this razor playground stuff is here to stay.


  3. #33
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I think a razor give-away is a great idea. But to make it more interesting you should have everyone write a hard luck story or something and the one who convinces you of the greatest need should get it. Something like I lost my job and my car died and my wife ran off with my brother and a thief stole all my straights.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #34
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Spinnin' Yarns

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    have everyone write a hard luck story or something and the one who convinces you of the greatest need should get it. Something like I lost my job and my car died and my wife ran off with my brother and a thief stole all my straights.
    That will only give the best razors to the wildest raconteurs. Then there'd be no blades left for anybody else but me.


  5. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    I think a razor give-away is a great idea. But to make it more interesting you should have everyone write a hard luck story or something and the one who convinces you of the greatest need should get it. Something like I lost my job and my car died and my wife ran off with my brother and a thief stole all my straights.
    How did you know???


  6. #36
    Member mslovacek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    I think a razor give-away is a great idea. But to make it more interesting you should have everyone write a hard luck story or something and the one who convinces you of the greatest need should get it. Something like I lost my job and my car died and my wife ran off with my brother and a thief stole all my straights.

    Ah the agony! Aliens came to my house, ate my dog, stole my razor to do medical experiments on people with, tried to **** probe me (I got away though). And left me a stupid to shirt that says "Been abducted, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." Stupid aliens....

    Hehehe, I thought I would throw something in the wash...

  7. #37
    Travelling Vagabond BKHamre's Avatar
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    Hello all,
    First Time Posting, tried from Kuwait but their system wouldn't let me register on forums boards so I could only read and learn from you guys since December 05. I'm on R&R now learning how to use my first Straight Razor. I don't want to risk not getting them back through Customs when I return from this third long tour in the Middle East in the past 3 years (26 of 36 the last months deployed in the Middle East (OIF1/OEF4/OIF3&4). So I'm only using them for these 15 days they'll let me see my Family. I will probably have the Wifey mail my DOVO Bismark Special to me, as it's "new" and can easily be replaced if Customs does take it from me. I have to get it up to Shaving standards though, but that's another challenge to face. Over the past few months I've studied up on the various webpages you guys have (this, the Yahoo Forum you guys have, and the reference material I could find through the web), and learned how to wetshave with soap and brush on a Mach 3. I've also purchased a starter set (DOVO and Hanging Strop), Norton 4K/8K, and gotten a Paddle Strop and 3 shave ready Straights from John Crowley (wanted to get one in each size to discover which was "right" for me and now have 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 8/8 and 4 the Wifey got me for Valentines day to learn to Hone as well). I know I went NUTS just starting out, but I'm addicted now and wanted EVERYTHING waiting for me when I returned to be able to learn everything I could upon redeployment. Anyways, wanted to say Hi to all, introduce myself and also put myself in for consideration to this Dubl Duck Drawing. It's the Razor my wife Loves everytime I bring it up on the phone. She likes hearing and saying "Double Duck" and likes that they have 2 little "duckies" on the handle (oh well, at least she also likes that they are so "manly" as she puts it). She knows I want a Dubl Duck and a Puma to see for myself what all you guys are talking about. I'll be sure to post here when I finally get the guts to do my first Straight Razor Shave (probably today cause I haven't shaven since Thursday when I started my R&R flights back to home), Wifey comes first, then my other Passions. Anyways, Hi everyone, and I'd like to be considered in this Giveaway.


  8. #38
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Welcome, straight shaving and honing take practice. Go slow and post away. If you get out back to the desert you can always ask questions. I'll PM you my home Email account. I've gone through Kuwaiti customs eight times. On the first I was taped down for explosives, searched for weapons, and searched for drugs. By the eighth time they were like "Hey, Alan, welcome back".

    I just sent you my home Email, company Email, and my military ext Email into your private message file, check the upper right hand corner for the hotlink to it.

    Have fun....
    Last edited by AFDavis11; 03-12-2006 at 11:38 AM.

  9. #39
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mslovacek
    Ah the agony! Aliens came to my house, ate my dog, stole my razor to do medical experiments on people with, tried to **** probe me (I got away though). And left me a stupid to shirt that says "Been abducted, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." Stupid aliens....

    Hehehe, I thought I would throw something in the wash...
    Well what do you know, now we have Fox Muelder on our site!
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #40
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    Wow, all this talk of giving away prime razors is pretty sweet. You guys that have donated razors and/or time sharpening them just to give away are really generous. If the drawing hasn't happened yet, I guess I would like to toss my name into the hat as well. Though I must admit that since I am still waiting for Tony to get back from vacation to order my first straight, I am a bit worried that winning a top notch blade would spoil me. It seems a bit like learning to drive in a ferrari - really sets the bar high. Still, sounds cool and I am not too proud to be spoiled.

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