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Thread: The Gentlemen's Quarter - Free Samples

  1. #111
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    JBHoren, thank you for that lovely answer!

    I have always had difficulty in understanding the Aftershave aspect of shaving. Thinking about it as a "threesome" is, in a very weird kinda way...helpful lol. All three work together, synergistically.

    An Aftershave with alcohol is desired for the "burn" and as an antibacterial, and astringent, and it's a plus if it's scented in the complimentary scent of the shaving soap. Yes ?

    Still another question. Men say they like alcohol for the burn......burn implies heat to me. Does the alcohol have heat? or does it just sting?
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  2. #112
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    JBHoren, thank you for that lovely answer!

    I have always had difficulty in understanding the Aftershave aspect of shaving. Thinking about it as a "threesome" is, in a very weird kinda way...helpful lol. All three work together, synergistically.

    An Aftershave with alcohol is desired for the "burn" and as an antibacterial, and astringent, and it's a plus if it's scented in the complimentary scent of the shaving soap. Yes ?

    Still another question. Men say they like alcohol for the burn......burn implies heat to me. Does the alcohol have heat? or does it just sting?
    Sting. (although for me, "sting" implies "hurt", while "burn" does not)
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  3. #113
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHoren View Post

    Sting. (although for me, "sting" implies "hurt", while "burn" does not)
    ok....asking again, so there is no heat or a feeling of warmth......just the sting? and yes I'll remember that sting is a negative word lol.

  4. #114
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBHoren View Post

    Sting. (although for me, "sting" implies "hurt", while "burn" does not)
    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    ok....asking again, so there is no heat or a feeling of warmth......just the sting? and yes I'll remember that sting is a negative word lol.
    No... at least, not as a looked-for characteristic effect of an ASS's "burn". We're all unique "snowflakes", and each of us reacts/responds differently to these things. The "burn" we're discussing is momentary... fleeting... (almost) as soon as you feel it, it's gone. Perhaps during the cold of Winter one might feel a "heating" from an ASS; then again, many/most of us prep our beards with hot water and apply hot lather before shaving, then rinse our faces with hot water when we've finished, so... it's about "burn", not "sting", "hurt", or "heat"... at least, not for me.

    I could be wrong (I was wrong once before), but I think that anyone who has a problem with alcohol-based ASSes is also someone who has a problem with leather strops, tallow-based soaps/creams, badger/boar brushes, and קורבנות (Biblical Hebrew for "burnt offerings", aka grilled meat)... they're probably the same ones who complain about "hard water" and difficulty lathering.
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  5. #115
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    This has been a great morning read! Been lmao!

    I think I'd agree with JBHoren but it's hard to describe the feeling. Let's see, it burns and stings a bit (stinging nicks), has heat that gives way to a cooler crisp clean feeling.

    As I've said before I like a toner to balance the skin ph, heal, kill germs, astringent, etc. *dont like an aftershave that is sticky with obnoxious smell that conflicts with the other smells and feels like it's plugging pores. Would like matching products that have old school qualities yet have more advanced elements.

    A choice between scented & non-scented would be ideal! ... otherwise why have cologne?

    What my toner/aftershave is lacking is that iconic sting/burn/crisp feeling. It's a part of the ritual, and at the end of that ritual you get slapped in the face and spit out into the world, ready to battle the increasing tide of "pseudo-men", fembots, political correctness and other attempts at castration, denial of, and marginalization of Manliness. IMHO

    I want my aftershave to implement the best science, and embrace traditions.
    "Unapologetically Manly"
    Last edited by MikeT; 07-31-2018 at 12:53 PM.
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  7. #116
    JP5 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by churley View Post
    JBHoren, thank you for that lovely answer!

    I have always had difficulty in understanding the Aftershave aspect of shaving. Thinking about it as a "threesome" is, in a very weird kinda way...helpful lol. All three work together, synergistically.

    An Aftershave with alcohol is desired for the "burn" and as an antibacterial, and astringent, and it's a plus if it's scented in the complimentary scent of the shaving soap. Yes ?

    Still another question. Men say they like alcohol for the burn......burn implies heat to me. Does the alcohol have heat? or does it just sting?
    As I understand it, the anti-septic quality of splash is also another part of what reduces irritation caused by bacteria.
    Sting is probably a good word for it. The feeling definitely varies depending on whether you have nicks or raw areas!
    Think Brut scene in thr movie Home Alone.
    Witch Hazel is used by some guys here as a splash on (or it is an ingredient) because of its' antiseptic properties. I think it may have other benefits that alcohol doesn't. It is plant derived so people probably find that appealing.
    I'm still a little league wet shaver so I haven't really experimented with products enough to be able to compare them as well as others here.

    I've been trying goat's milk lotion as as an ASL lately since we had it at home. I've been thinking of mixing some alcohol/witch Hazel and vitamin E to make it more like an actual ASL.

    JBHoren lost me with the "E" acronyms like EDC. I work at a gun counter so that means Every Day Carry (firearm) to me!!!

    Talk about the "burn" reminded me of this old commercial.
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  8. #117
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    May just be me but I feel a good aftershave also seems to tighten my skin. Could just be placebo but there is something leathery almost.
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  9. #118
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    I'm definitely flexible on the ingredients as long as the desired effects are achieved.

    Home Alone also came to mind. Lol and that commercial was a good one, I'd have to say I like the grin and bare-it sting.

    One point that I forgot to add: Putting a lotion on my skin after the aftershave, never liked the feeling.
    If there was an aftershave that moistened without any oily smothering feeling, as well as achieving the effects of a good aftershave.. I think that would be a winner for me.
    Wham bam all in one! ... I go in with a blade, bowl, brush.. have my shave cream and aftershave... just add water and we're in business.

    Oh and on special nights I might bring out that fancy cologne my wife buys me without confusing the scent with the aftershave.
    If you make one that has a special scent that you designed that's cool, I'd probably try it out, probably like it... but a neutral scent I would definitely buy because it allows me more options. Just a thought.
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  10. #119
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post

    What my toner/aftershave is lacking is that iconic sting/burn/crisp feeling. It's a part of the ritual, and at the end of that ritual you get slapped in the face and spit out into the world, ready to battle the increasing tide of "pseudo-men", fembots, political correctness and other attempts at castration, denial of, and marginalization of Manliness. IMHO

    I want my aftershave to implement the best science, and embrace traditions.
    "Unapologetically Manly"
    Hi Mike! I'm really glad you're enjoying the read, and can promise more to come!

    Now darlin, I tell ya true, I just had to highlight your comment because I LOVED IT! I laughed so hard @ pseudo-men, because it's so true! I grew up in an age, and "culture" I might add, where the men in my life as a young girl either had on a uniform, or their old one hung in the closet. And all the other men....were men too, and the women, were women! I like manly men, and as we've already established here, my special fondness for scoundrels and ruffians lol

    And oddly enough.....I think for the first time I understand in my gut the mystery of the "alcohol burn". I can't thank you enough! My formulating just got notched up a level
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  12. #120
    Soapmistress churley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeT View Post
    I'm definitely flexible on the ingredients as long as the desired effects are achieved.

    Home Alone also came to mind. Lol and that commercial was a good one, I'd have to say I like the grin and bare-it sting.

    One point that I forgot to add: Putting a lotion on my skin after the aftershave, never liked the feeling.
    If there was an aftershave that moistened without any oily smothering feeling, as well as achieving the effects of a good aftershave.. I think that would be a winner for me.
    Wham bam all in one! ... I go in with a blade, bowl, brush.. have my shave cream and aftershave... just add water and we're in business.

    Oh and on special nights I might bring out that fancy cologne my wife buys me without confusing the scent with the aftershave.
    If you make one that has a special scent that you designed that's cool, I'd probably try it out, probably like it... but a neutral scent I would definitely buy because it allows me more options. Just a thought.
    Hello MikeT

    I really appreciate your comments. I personally prefer to formulate "unscented" Aftershaves and that's how they've been sold in the past and sampled out. In the near future I will be making 7 Aftershave Splashes that coordinate with our current line up of custom scents. However, I do know that we have some loyal followers out there who really do like "Unscented" shaving soap, Aftershaves, hey and even "Unscented" bath soap, that way a fella can mix and match as he chooses with his scent day or night. So rest assured that "Unscented" remains one of my favorite lol, and you'll see it in the line-up

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