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Thread: Toronto & Area Meet

  1. #71
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Valery said he's probably a go for July 27, so we may very well head up together...lots of stuff to bring and fun to be had. Be great to actually learn how to use the stones...

    Now, are we all not supposed to shave for a couple of days so we can all swap blades around and have a shave...or is that just way to creepy?
    HARRYWALLY and MikeB52 like this.

  2. #72
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Now, are we all not supposed to shave for a couple of days so we can all swap blades around and have a shave...or is that just way to creepy?
    I've seen that done before at meets.
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  3. #73
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Here's some insensitive to try and persuade those of you on the fence about coming. The last meet Phil and Jane from Classic Edge, were surprise guest and gave out some great promotional items. Eye loupes, scuttles, Muller thuringian hone, Hart steel razor and T-shirts for everyone. Mike has said they will be at this one again. Phil is also very knowledgeable, and a great guy to learn honing from.
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    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  4. #74
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Agreed - I've met Phil and Jane and they are both great people.

    I have one of their t-shirts as well, has the nice Wade and Butcher stamp on the back of the shirt. First time I wore it out to meet some friends for coffee, sure enough, some guy came up and asked me about straights....needless to friends just shook their heads in despair, "Now we've got him started......!"
    HARRYWALLY and MikeB52 like this.

  5. #75
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Great memory Andrew on the swag Phil generously donated last meet. Very generous guy for sure.
    Just having his honing experience there is priceless, or as published, a $35 dollar value. Hehe. And I wear that t shirt with pride. Intentionally choosing others when I work on the car even...
    Phrank, great that you and Val are in.You and I started using straights around the same time I think, neat idea on the trial shaves too. I'll make sure I have a good selection of soaps in the lower shave den.
    I have my super lapper too so if anyone has a rock they can't level, bring's a monster initial plane to get the process started..
    Going to have to get a few more 'Gars seasoning in the humidor, should be a good time.

  6. #76
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Great memory Andrew on the swag Phil generously donated last meet. Very generous guy for sure.
    Just having his honing experience there is priceless, or as published, a $35 dollar value. Hehe. And I wear that t shirt with pride. Intentionally choosing others when I work on the car even...
    Phrank, great that you and Val are in.You and I started using straights around the same time I think, neat idea on the trial shaves too. I'll make sure I have a good selection of soaps in the lower shave den.
    I have my super lapper too so if anyone has a rock they can't level, bring's a monster initial plane to get the process started..
    Going to have to get a few more 'Gars seasoning in the humidor, should be a good time.
    Yes, so far Val said it's a go and we can head up together.

    I'll definitely bring lots of stuff, including my norton 4/8 and my Nani 12k, would be nice to check and see if I lapped them correctly with the Naniwa Flattening Stone LOL.

    I couldn't make it last year, but yes, we started at about the same will be one year of membership here for me in July!!!

  7. #77
    Shave This Hart's Avatar
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    Ok, I'll come too.
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    Than ≠ Then
    Shave like a BOSS

  8. #78
    Senior Member Mcbladescar's Avatar
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    I have a couple of rocks looking for a new home as well
    Maybe even a starter razor or three
    Cant wait to see new and old faces
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  9. #79
    Senior Member rickmccarey's Avatar
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    I'll be heading up with Mike, looking forward to it!
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  10. #80
    Senior Member rickmccarey's Avatar
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    B52 Mike, is this a cigar friendly environment? Just want to double check? No problem either way.
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