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Thread: Kansas City Meet - Mar 5th 2015

  1. #21
    Tarantula Shaver thevez2's Avatar
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    We will have some table space available, so if you have a little bit of stuff you want to bring to sell/trade, we should have room. I'll have a bunch of DE/SE razors available.

    Also, I'll have a few items to raffle off as door prizes, and one vendor is giving me some samples to giveaway. If anybody would like to donate anything, let me know.
    -KJ -- VEZ -- Spider-Man

  2. #22
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    This is pretty much exactly the sort of meetup I was hoping for! A smaller, more "Personal" event, if you will, so I'm not so overwhelmed by all the professional "advice" from vendors and salesman. Just a chance to get some pointers from some locals. Too bad I'm working that day :-( here's hoping the next one comes around soon. Have fun all!

  3. #23
    Tarantula Shaver thevez2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcrobinson View Post
    This is pretty much exactly the sort of meetup I was hoping for! A smaller, more "Personal" event, if you will, so I'm not so overwhelmed by all the professional "advice" from vendors and salesman. Just a chance to get some pointers from some locals. Too bad I'm working that day :-( here's hoping the next one comes around soon. Have fun all!
    My goal is to keep these going and maybe have 4 per year. We'll see how it goes.
    -KJ -- VEZ -- Spider-Man

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcrobinson View Post
    This is pretty much exactly the sort of meetup I was hoping for! A smaller, more "Personal" event, if you will, so I'm not so overwhelmed by all the professional "advice" from vendors and salesman. Just a chance to get some pointers from some locals. Too bad I'm working that day :-( here's hoping the next one comes around soon. Have fun all!
    There all personal, these are not vendor meet ups just guys getting together. I was just at the Texas meet and all the blade smiths there were the nicest guys you will ever meet , professional or amateurs. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  5. #25
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've been to over 30 meet-ups and only one has had any vendors at all. Even at that one the vendors kept themselves available but on the sidelines.

    Meet-ups are all about one and one help and interaction.

  6. #26
    32t is offline
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    I have been to only a few meetups and if there was someone that was there that would sell you their goods or services they were not afraid to share their knowledge. You may be able to get to their level some day and give them competition but once you realize their knowledge, skill, and costs most likely you will use their product/services.

  7. #27
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    All encouraging comments. Although they don't help absolve my disappointment at not being able to attend this meetup!
    Any way.... I hate to try and derail a topic, *BUT* since this thread is about a KC area meetup, I assume that a fair number of the people READING said thread are FROM the general area, and I really didn't get much helpful response in the topic-specific sub-forum, I'll go ahead and ask... can anyone recommend anyone in the area that I should go to, to get a couple razors honed? Or anyone willing to offer their services? PM me!

  8. #28
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I have had 3 meets here and we never did any obvious selling, nor buying, not that any did not transpire.
    I had a 'put and take' pile out once with a cup. Helped pay for the burgers! Sign said put what you want. Pay what you want. One guy had no cash,
    I just said to take a few. Pay it forward!
    'Commercial' efforts at a small meet are not where it's at, I think. JMO
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    'Commercial' efforts at a small meet are not where it's at, I think. JMO
    Well this was the point I was making initially I guess. When I see these big two day events that are held at (I assume) some sort of convention center or something, I picture something like the modern gun show, where it's been invaded by so many commercial vendors and such, that it's barely even worth it. I could just go down to my local gun shop for the same experience. But I suppose the straight razor/wet shaving community is still niche enough that this just isn't the case. Either way, it's sounds like a community that I'm glad to be getting into-If I can just get these razors into shave ready shape!

  10. #30
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Put it this way...
    A BIG razor meet-up has more than 20 people. It's not going to draw a lot of vendors.

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