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  1. #511
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimensch View Post
    I mentioned to a couple people that I'm starting a barber's course next Monday and I've decided that my contribution to next year's meet will be to give a professional barber's shave to all who will want to experience it.
    I'm first in line!

  2. #512
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    Thanks so much for the day, Spike, Silver, Steve, Sandy & Makar . It was a great day and I learnt a lot (esp with the honing). Sorry I had to dash off early something unexpected turned up that morning. It was good to put a name to the faces and I will definitely be coming to the next one.

    Thanx so much.


  3. #513
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimensch View Post
    I mentioned to a couple people that I'm starting a barber's course next Monday and I've decided that my contribution to next year's meet will be to give a professional barber's shave to all who will want to experience it.
    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    I'm first in line!
    I'm right behind you mark. I've always wondered about shaving someone else...

  4. #514
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    Talking Hi

    Hi guys,
    A great day, but didnt time fly, I could have stayed for another 4 hours and still wouldnt have got bored.
    I was so impressed with the raffle, and being lucky enough to draw first prize was a real turn up for the books. I picked the T.I razor box and brush. Just have a look at the Classic Shaving website and add up what its worth, its hundreds of pounds !! It now has pride of place in the bathroom,and mighty fine it looks.

    I learnt loads and everyone was very nice, you cant ask more than that.

    All the best and once again, Thanks.

  5. #515
    Member mr_magicfingers's Avatar
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    Another thank you to everyone who helped organise the day. I, like everyone I imagine, had a great time, learned plenty but the best part for me was a chance to meet more experienced straight shavers and discover that what I've learned here online and from teaching myself is on the right lines. Having someone test your razors and have the chance to get feedback on this is invaluable.

    Sorry I couldn't stay for the rest of the evening, but I'm looking forward to next year's meet already.



  6. #516
    Searching for the Frameback ragnost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimensch View Post
    On the flight home, Grazia told me that she appreciated how friendly and inclusive everyone ones. I say +1 to that. We had a wonderful time getting to know you all and we are already looking forward to next year. I mentioned to a couple people that I'm starting a barber's course next Monday and I've decided that my contribution to next year's meet will be to give a professional barber's shave to all who will want to experience it.
    Put me down third in line, you’re going to be a very busy man at the next meet

    Saturday was a belter of a day but it was too short could the next one be an all day affair someone suggested Glasgow for next year why not? but could we fill the SECC could I also suggest that it’s kept to the same weekend the third in September then we all know when it’s going to be and can plan towards it

    Thanks Tony (portal 5) for the resto demo I’ve watched Bill’s CD but to see pinning done live makes a big difference, I’ll PM you about the 3/8ths

    The same with honing I’ve watched Lynn’s DVD a few times but to watch an expert doing it in the flesh so to speak really brings it home to you thanks Steve( blue principle) great demo by a real gent

    It was a shame that sandy (Sidneykidney) had to rush his presentation towards the end for lack of time as it was very informative

    Last but by no means least thanks to Spike (Spike J) for the shaving demo a very brave man to do that in front of an audience

    Big THANKS to Steve (Makar) for organizing the day and to all those that helped him to make the first SRP UK meet a roaring success

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to ragnost For This Useful Post:

    portal5 (09-22-2008), sidneykidney (09-22-2008)

  8. #517
    Member Tink's Avatar
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    as you may have noticed by my never-ceasing moanings, i wasn't there, but i'd like to say thanks to everrbody that was for putting it on for everybody else. sounds like a great time was had by all, and i am 100% comning to the next one, tell me where and when!

    Silver: you have PM.


  9. #518
    Member Morturn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    I'm first in line!
    Me next

  10. #519
    Taylors1000 portal5's Avatar
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    Default UK get together!

    First I would like to thank everyone involved putting the meeting together & the fact that I was asked to do a presentation (Not the easiest thing I have done) & a big thanks to blueprinciple for the raffle prizes & tips on honing.
    I had a great time & enjoyed meeting the SRP members. The afternoon went like a flash.

    As requested here is the information for getting the Pins & Dremel tools I had with me.

    This guy is in Germany, He sells the razor pins & Scales & will deal with you direct or through ebay.
    Website Rassiermesser/razorhandle - Messingstifte/pins
    Email address [email protected]
    Ebay name rose789pipo
    Ebay shop eBay Seller: rose789pipo: Collectibles items on

    For the Dremel tools
    Email address [email protected]
    Ebay name nuttreecat
    Ebay shop eBay Seller: nuttreecat: Home Garden, Jewellery Watches items on

    Please note this dealer is in the US & you may have to pay VAT if you combine too many items
    Over £18 as a business purchase or over £36 as a gift private purchase.

    I have been catching up on my other ebay sales today but should be getting some razors listed this week. Usual postage discount for SRP members.

    Tony H

  11. #520
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    Hey everyone,
    I had a great time, was really great too meet people and put faces to names. I'd also like to extend my thanks too all those who organised and contribuited demonstrations and presentations to the event. I look forward to next year, and that shave Chimensch .


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