Results 41 to 50 of 152
04-12-2008, 03:41 AM #41
i'm in. can still host that day if need be.
04-12-2008, 04:32 AM #42
well now i can appease SWMBO and go to granny's, and be here and available on the 3rd. count me in for now.
are we going to try to put up some giveaways or door prizes???
04-12-2008, 11:19 AM #43
I might be willing to pitch in some homemade soaps and a strop
04-12-2008, 05:34 PM #44
How does Saturday May 3rd sound?
I volunteered to work at my regular job on Saturday the 26th when the word overtime was spoken by my boss. I had not heard a projected date for the gathering at that time so it wasn't on my mind. How does Saturday May 3rd sound to everyong from North Texas and elsewhere? Shirlocks has plenty of tables in the back where we can hone up some hair spliters. Those of you who have no clue how to hone can take note of my technique and masters may get some alternative ideas. I hope to see all of you there.
04-12-2008, 11:34 PM #45
I can do the 3rd.
04-13-2008, 12:53 AM #46
May 3rd works for me too.
I am looking forward to the meeting. I am now looking for my first str8, since I have been using a Dovo Shavette that I bought to see if I liked the experience. I would like something mid-range, nice, but not TOO nice, since I haven't touched a hone or strop yet, and recognize the potential danger I pose to a blade!So if any of you are looking forward to thinning out your stock a little, I would sure like a chance to buy from somebody at the meeting.
I am also excited to learn about honing from someone like John.What a great way to get started.
Hope the 3rd works for everyone.
04-13-2008, 02:04 AM #47
Great news on the attendance so far...
Right now we have:
John Crowley
all able to meet up. With an "I hope I can" from Hogaloo (baby on the way you know).
Let's try to get ahold of our other local Hone'n'Stroppers and get them to commit to the new date. Everyone who can make it is welcome regardless of experience level. I think everyone will agree that the last meetings were very comfortable and informative gatherings of nice guys. Come on out. The map to Sherlocks is at the top of the thread.Last edited by Dewey; 04-14-2008 at 01:09 AM. Reason: added other attendees
04-13-2008, 02:37 AM #48
Hey Guys -
I have PMd all the members who are listed in this thread but I need help inviting anyone you all may know who hasn't been mentioned, chimed in on this thread or who may be a new member. Let's make this the best attended event yet! Thanks for the help and for coming to the meeting May 3rd noon at Sherlocks - map at the top of this thread.
Also: I am requesting that this thread be made a STICKY reflecting a May Tx Meeting in the title.Last edited by Dewey; 04-13-2008 at 02:42 AM. Reason: sticky
04-15-2008, 04:15 AM #49
Since the date has changed, there's no way I can make it. I think I'll be in San Antonio that day. Anyway, for the time being I am in downtown Dallas from now until the 24th/25th. First off, any good stuff I should do/see in Dallas? I am going to check out the Farmer's Market for sure, and maybe the West Village (shaving supplies place there?). Any antique stores/flea markets in walking distance in downtown Dallas? Also, anyone doing anything razor related in the dates I'll be here? Thanks!
04-16-2008, 02:14 AM #50
Philadelph, welcome to Texas! In Dallas, a couple of things you might want to include are Dealey Plaza and The Sixth Floor Museum, which cover the assination of JFK in 1963. In the museum, you can stand in the window next to the one Lee Harvey Oswald shot from. It is all pretty cool.
If you are into sports, the American Airlines Center is a fantastic place to watch basketball and hockey. Playoffs are on us, so tickets might be hard to come by though. You should at least take a tour. The Texas Rangers Ballpark is just down I30, and is a great park, even if the baseball isn't too great at the moment.
There are many, many, more, but I will let others tell you their favorites.
Being a newbie to the razor world, I don't know about those around Dallas.
Enjoy your trip.