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Thread: Suehiro Gokumyo hones 10k, 15k, 20k. Update.

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobski View Post
    I think your pretty well right with the Naniwa hones you have. I'd wait till you are comfortable and proficient with the naniwa's before anything else. If and when you want to add the Suehiro, you could easily make the jump straight to the 20k from that 12k Naniwa, which on it's own can give a great shave.
    I've already tried buying my way to great shaves with soaps and pre shave oils, and it didn't work. So I'm sticking with what I have until I feel like there's something legitimately missing. But it's always fun looking at what's out there! Also thanks for the tip on being able to move straight to the 20 from the 12k.

  2. #12
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    Thanks for the update Bob.

    I had bought the Suehiro 20K a while back and never really got warm with it... It's not a fantastic polisher and the edge it leaves is too harsh for my taste. Also with the hone being so hard and fine, there is very little feedback. And yes, its damn fast - you really have to be careful not to overdo it.

    I have to confess though that I'm a natural hone guy and prefer the edges I get from my coticules, Eschers/thuringians and JNats . As for synthetic finishers I still have and use my 12K Naniwa SuperStone, which I prefer over the 20K Suehiro for razors.

    For kitchen knifes, the hard and fast Suehiro is quite nice though.

    I hope I'm not treading on anyone's toes, that's just what it is for me.


  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    And THAT is all that you need to do!

    Seriously, a 12k SuperStone or a coticule used correctly can give you a fantastic shave! The difference between the edge off of either of these hones and a Gokumyo 20k is about $200. Now just see if you can feel that $200 on your face.

    (disclaimer: The 20k CAN improve the edge, but in reality it is a minor improvement. Get the d@mn bevel set properly and the odds are good that anything else that you do with the edge after that will give you at least a decent shave.)
    My 12k is actually the c12k (gungxi one). Do you think I should use the Coti after the c12k or in place of, after the 8k Norton? Thx.

  4. #14
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirMike View Post
    My 12k is actually the c12k (gungxi one). Do you think I should use the Coti after the c12k or in place of, after the 8k Norton? Thx.
    In that case, please understand that your 12k is not 12k. I cannot make a suggestion as to order after the 8k Norton because I have not used your coticule or your Chinese hone.

    Try each permutation after the 8k, both single and paired, and see what works for your hones, your steel, and your face. It won't necessarily be the same every time.

  5. #15
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    Gokumyo 20k disappointed me. Naniwa SS 10k or 12k perform better (more consistent). Gokumyo makes significant scratches on blade. Scratches are visible by naked eye. Maybe my usage is wrong. :-(

    Is there anyone else with this experience?

  6. #16
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    how about a jump from 12k to 30k shapton glass?

  7. #17
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    G'day atercz,

    Must say I haven't had scratching occur over the top of any stone I've used prior to the 20k. I check my edges before, during and after on a 400x digital microscope and, I would guess what you are seeing with your naked eye may be overhoning or 'wire edges' as with the naked eye you will be doing exceedingly well to see a 20k grit scratch made over a 12k naniwa's pattern say... But mate, each to their own and your opinion is worth considering. These are simply my impressions and are not automatically correct . I do tend to incorporate half a dozen featherlite trailing strokes on the 20k if I feel I may have spent too long on it. Just a thought.

  8. #18
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atercz View Post
    Gokumyo 20k disappointed me. Naniwa SS 10k or 12k perform better (more consistent). Gokumyo makes significant scratches on blade. Scratches are visible by naked eye. Maybe my usage is wrong. :-(

    Is there anyone else with this experience?
    All stones scratch steel. It is the reason you can hone with them, however "significant" scratches may be due to excessive pressure or a faulty stone.
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  9. #19
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by atercz View Post
    Gokumyo 20k disappointed me. Naniwa SS 10k or 12k perform better (more consistent). Gokumyo makes significant scratches on blade. Scratches are visible by naked eye. Maybe my usage is wrong. :-(

    Is there anyone else with this experience?
    Have you lapped it or done anything to prep the surface?

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Do you lap with w and d or did you use the rubbing stone? Maybe some grit was left behind.
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