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Thread: Suehiro Gokumyo hones 10k, 15k, 20k. Update.

  1. #41
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    Well, here's my Suehiro Gokumyo 20K update: I've just traded mine away .

    I know, I'm probably in a minority here, but this hone wasn't for me: too fast, too harsh, no soul.

    Well, as we say in Germany "Jeder Jeck ist anders" (i.e. each fool is different).


    P.S. I've got a lovely 8/8 Wacker handforged for it, so I'm happy

  2. #42
    Preserver of old grinding methods hatzicho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jollo74 View Post

    Well, as we say in Germany "Jeder Jeck ist anders" (i.e. each fool is different).
    Not really in whole germany, more in the area around Colone and Öcher!

    Quote Originally Posted by jollo74 View Post
    P.S. I've got a lovely 8/8 Wacker handforged for it, so I'm happy
    That's a real good deal!

  3. #43
    Ecl is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aldwyn View Post
    *Sigh* I must be "lucky" with mine.
    I have two of the 20Ks and neither of the stones has any detectable odor. What stank up the place was the included rubber stands. Made my apartment smell like a tire store until I finally disposed of them.

  4. #44
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    That smell fades pretty quickly.

  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ecl View Post
    I have two of the 20Ks and neither of the stones has any detectable odor. What stank up the place was the included rubber stands. Made my apartment smell like a tire store until I finally disposed of them.
    You just have to smoke one tobacco pipe after another and you won't notice it. I recommend Gawith & Hoggarth Rum Flake or Dunhill Early Morning Pipe ......
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  6. #46
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfaust View Post
    Although I can not speak anything of J-Nat edges to make a comparison, I may give them a go sometime, but i'm trending towards less fiddly results these days. The GMN-200 gives me as sharp and smooth as I like. improves the edge after the Naniwa 12 and smooths it right out. I don't seem to get that prickly feel that Crox can give with overuse. Shaves very clean down to the skin on the WTG stroke and leaves almost nothing behind. Never need to do more than a 2 pass shave and its all good. I really couldn't ask for more so I don't. My other stones seem to have me wondering if things could be better but for me the GMN-200 stopped any HAD longing dead. I am absolutely satisfied with my shaving results.
    You and me both. I haven't even considered buying any additional stones in over two years. After using it over and over and on many different razors, I remain completely satisfied with it. Any stones I buy in the future will end up as a replacement for my Norton 4/8. But that too isn't going anywhere too soon. It seems to be the last chapter in honing....for me anyway. And it had the unfortunate effect of silencing me on many honing threads simply because I have nothing further to say or contribute.
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  7. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I have razors honed on , Naniwas to 12k, Jnats, Zulu, Black Ark, and Shapton Glass, and one on a SG 20, I can't find fault in the SG20!at all, it rivals any of the other edges. And I don't really care about the honing all I care about us the shave. So if synthetics will do this good that's what I,ll probably do. But in Texas I might change my mind once I see a Coticule , and a Thurigian edge.
    I really think it comes down to the steel when choices are made, one of the reasons I leave it up to the man who hones my blades, but to date there is only one finisher that actually gives a better finisher than everything I've used and it's the Shapton. But this only gets used on my Kinfolks razor , it seems to really go that extra. My opinion only, and to each his own, but natural versus finisher, I,m happy with both edges, everyday I shave and I get the results I,m looking for as long as the hone job was done right. So BBS no irratation is the goal no matter the stone. Tc
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  8. #48
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    You just have to smoke one tobacco pipe after another and you won't notice it. I recommend Gawith & Hoggarth Rum Flake or Dunhill Early Morning Pipe ......

    A boul of CD Pirate cake mask even the pirate pair of socks that stay straight and stiff in the corner , against the wall
    i just began to watch the 3 season of Black sails
    So in case of such stink i will not buy Gokumo 20 K
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  9. #49
    Senior Member gabrielcr78's Avatar
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    SO. at the ends, before I start saving my pennies in a piggy bank to save up the 300$ this SG 20k, just have a final question...
    is this still the best synthetic stone in the market?

    notice I said synthetic to rule out the controversy form the naturasl, I'm absolutely sure that there are many better naturals ..but in this stage of my early learning and development of honing, I'm not yet ready to deal with all the variables of naturals, so i'm willing to sacrifice some of the 5% difference of the ultimate edge from naturals for having consistency at the reach of my non honemeister (actually newbie honer) hands...

    so, synthetics, is this the best one i can get?


    honing my mind...

  10. #50
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    Boy! Three hundred bucks will get you a KILLER jnat. Two maybe...
    Skip the Coticule, unless it's one of the first couple hundred that came out of the mine, get a nice Tomae Awase jnat and your Escher's/thuris will take a back seat or turn into some of the best slurry stones I've ever used with a jnat. IMO only.
    Last edited by Aerdvaark; 01-20-2017 at 11:05 PM.

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