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  1. #11
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    For finishers I go straight from my naniwa 10k to my CrO strop. I just don't see spending the extra $ when CrO strop does the job.

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  3. #12
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    Many times I feel there is too much emphasis on "naming " the git as opposed to what it does. If it's .000001K or a bazillion K does it matter as long as it is providing what you want from it. Is a C12K really 12K? Who cares if its a good finisher. The grit system doesn't really apply to natural stones, but the "act" like a certain man made grit. I see nothing wrong with calling a C12K a 12K, nor would I have a problem calling a translucent ark a 12-16K or an Escher a 12-16K. It is how they cut and a reference only. If you want another finisher, a Coti, or thuri, or jnat or any of a dozen stones will fit the bill. If you are looking to replace the C12K and want a better edge, I would practice more. You will get a better edge off of a lower grit stone with superb technique than you will get off of a higher grit stone, natural or man made with poor technique.

  4. #13
    Senior Member jcsixx's Avatar
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    I get what you guys are saying about technique. I am happy with the results I'm getting. I'm improving with each razor. I'm obviously not anywhere what Lynn, Glen, or Max...but I am getting a close, comfortable shave.

    The reason why I was asking about the hones...I just wanted to make sure I had a good progression and didn't want to use them out of order.

  5. #14
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    IMHO Coticule and BBW and i guess other naturals should rather be classefied as usable range
    Coticule 2-12k +- depending on stone
    BBW 6-12 +- also depending(other tecnique for getting the best finish)

  6. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    With what you have so far, if I were in your shoes I would make my next finisher a Naniwa 12k, that hone plays well with your Norton 8k and is a Synthetic so it should give you an idea of how they work as a finisher too since you are already using a natural stone with the PHIG... That gives you two different directions to branch out to off the Norton...

    JMHO but that is what you asked for

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  8. #16
    zib is offline
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    You could get a Coticule to play around with. Think of it as another avenue, or another means of honing, rather than fitting it in your current line up. You have the Nortons. With a well established bevel from your Norton 1k, you can go to the Coticule, and stop there, you can shave off it, they impart a very mellow, sharp edge. Some razors benefit from Coticules more so than the Nortons. I had a Kanayama razor prone to microchipping, The Coticule saved it, it's a great shaver now...They do vary a lot ime. You may be able to go to your 12k after, Depends on your Coti.
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  10. #17
    Senior Member Howard's Avatar
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    Get a coticule and try it out. They've been the standard for barbers for decades if not hundreds of years. There's a good reason for it! These are very special stones and are well suited for straight razors. You might have trouble getting a Select grade right now as the Belgians haven't been shipping lately. Be patient and wait to get a good one.

  11. #18
    Senior Member jcsixx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Howard View Post
    Get a coticule and try it out. They've been the standard for barbers for decades if not hundreds of years. There's a good reason for it! These are very special stones and are well suited for straight razors. You might have trouble getting a Select grade right now as the Belgians haven't been shipping lately. Be patient and wait to get a good one.
    Ruh roh. Patience isn't a very strong attribute for me. I was supposed to go to any antique show today, but it was canceled and I'm itching to compulsively spend.

  12. #19
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    FWIW, I honed up a very old straight this evening from 1K though 8K and then used the Franz Swaty barber hone with water and a little soap. Then, I tried that "green" stone the PIKE Emerald green. It didn't look like it was really taking anything off, but it got to the point it was gliding over that stone. I had looked at the razor, a Ramapo, at the 8K and saw the fine tiny scratches on the bevel but after that Emerald Pike, it shines like a mirror and looking at it at 20X it is amost just a mirror without much now for hint of scratches. Shaved like it was very sharp as well. I really don't know what that Pike Emerald is for grit, but it really polished a fine bevel on this old razor.
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  13. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    There's a few coticule/BBW combos right now in the classifieds.
    Last edited by Kees; 03-13-2011 at 08:58 AM.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

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