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Thread: Naniwa 12K after a Coticule, to improve edges that are good but not great?

  1. #1
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Default Naniwa 12K after a Coticule, to improve edges that are good but not great?

    Hi I have a few razors, 4 of which come off my coticule with an awesome edge, Kropp, Sprock, Gold Dollar (yes really) and Seehund. The others will shave well but are not quite in the same league as far as sharpness goes Kukri, Hermes, Bassler (inox), Joseph Elliot Wedge, Allen & sons.

    I am confident that the bevels and are good and, with the possible exception of the wedge, I'm confident that my technique on the OK razors has been the same as the on the great ones.

    I was wondering if a 12K Naniwa superstone is likely to improve the edge after a coti or whether I should just accept that some razors are better than others.
    NavalArchitect likes this.

  2. #2
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    When you get up into the finishing range, a lot of it comes down to personal preference. Another factor may be if a given razor does better off a given hone. If the razors are pretty close in terms of shave quality, trying a different finisher may make the difference. Or maybe not...

    If you are in the position where you would have to buy the Naniwa 12k, you may want to first explore a less expensive alternative, like a pasted strop for example.
    Joed likes this.

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  4. #3
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    I have yet to find a razor that has not benefitted from a few laps on the Naniwa 12k. Yes, I like coticule edges, infact some of my edges remain untouched coticule edges, but the Naniwa does seem to give it that little bit "extra". Plus, it depends on how I feel like honing: 50-100 coti laps vs 10-15 on the Nani.

    From money and consistency standpoints you can't go wrong by having a Naniwa 12k in your honing arsenal.
    niftyshaving likes this.

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

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  6. #4
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    I'm a big fan of coticule edges, as most of you guys no. i still like using paste and the odd differant hone. i will work and work on my coticule to get there. Some times latley i have thought the same as ryan . time and laps . i have a 10k naniwa . Now lets say i hone a razor on coticule and i'm not quite where i want to be colse but not close enough, to my standard. i do another 50 laps on coticule and there is not enought improvemant, then anothe 100 laps for example. still the same . 10 to 20 laps on 10k or 12k naniwa will get me there. then 30 on coticule will give me coti edge . So my answer to your post is yes the 10 or 12k naniwa will do the job very well as in between or last hone in my experiance and save time. a good progression would be coti dilucot , then finish on 10 or 12k naniwa folowed by paste or coti or just as it is at the final hone . Te reason i posted to this is i have been doing just that and it does work .


  7. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to gary haywood For This Useful Post:

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  8. #5
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Thats an interesting idea Gary, revisit the coti after the Naniwa.

  9. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My coticule is kind of my all purpose always works finisher. I've never met a coticule finished edge I didn't like to shave with but you can do better. I'll use my Escher for a definite upgrade and the Shapton 30K Glass also. Then of course thereos always the pasted strops too.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

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  11. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeltz View Post
    Thats an interesting idea Gary, revisit the coti after the Naniwa.
    there is a lot of chaps that go to coti after 8k so why not after 10k. its similar thing to 1k 4k 8k 10 k and natural coti thury or what have you.

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    there is a lot of chaps that go to coti after 8k so why not after 10k. its similar thing to 1k 4k 8k 10 k and natural coti thury or what have you.
    +1. Some hones will get a blade sharper, but very few (if any) other hones will leave a blade as smooth as a coticule.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

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  14. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    if you could explain
    1. why you are going to naniwa after the coticule?
    what is the reason?
    Sharpness? smoothness? or anything else?
    2. Why again after naniwa you are returning to Coticule?
    This is just doesn't make a sense to me?

    if coticule is not fine enough i could understand to go to Naniwa after use of coticule to get sharper edge?
    Then question comes up why do you return to coticule again? In case it is not fine enough stone?
    Your Edge will get dulled again?
    Lets say it is fine stone which will put the smooth edge to the blade.
    In this case why you are going to 12 k or 10k Naniwa? NO reason for it?
    Just confusing or i miss your point.

    Quote Originally Posted by gary haywood View Post
    I'm a big fan of coticule edges, as most of you guys no. i still like using paste and the odd differant hone. i will work and work on my coticule to get there. Some times latley i have thought the same as ryan . time and laps . i have a 10k naniwa . Now lets say i hone a razor on coticule and i'm not quite where i want to be colse but not close enough, to my standard. i do another 50 laps on coticule and there is not enough improvemant, then anothe 100 laps for example. still the same . 10 to 20 laps on 10k or 12k naniwa will get me there. then 30 on coticule will give me coti edge . So my answer to your post is yes the 10 or 12k naniwa will do the job very well as in between or last hone in my experiance and save time. a good progression would be coti dilucot , then finish on 10 or 12k naniwa folowed by paste or coti or just as it is at the final hone . Te reason i posted to this is i have been doing just that and it does work .

    NavalArchitect likes this.

  15. #10
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hi_bud_gl View Post
    if you could explain
    1. why you are going to naniwa after the coticule?
    what is the reason?
    Sharpness? smoothness? or anything else?
    2. Why again after naniwa you are returning to Coticule?
    This is just doesn't make a sense to me?

    if coticule is not fine enough i could understand to go to Naniwa after use of coticule to get sharper edge?
    Then question comes up why do you return to coticule again? In case it is not fine enough stone?
    Your Edge will get dulled again?
    Lets say it is fine stone which will put the smooth edge to the blade.
    In this case why you are going to 12 k or 10k Naniwa? NO reason for it?
    Just confusing or i miss your point.
    Because he likes the results he gets with it? Just a guess. It's an interesting idea.

    Gary, do you find that the edge retains the keenness of the naniwa but gains the smoothness of the coticule? This is an interesting idea, I wish I had a naniwa to try it out on!

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