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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #371
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasoundguy2003 View Post
    I just want to say WOW. you have quite a variety of high caliber hones. It is enjoyable to see so many different hones being used. And thanks for sharing.
    No problem sir, I enjoy showing them off as much as using them….almost. Thanks to SRP for providing a platform for people to see how these things were meant to be used. Many more to come. A stone that isn’t used is a useless stone. Unless you collect em cause they’re pretty to look at. I get that too!.

  2. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by MODINE View Post
    No problem sir, I enjoy showing them off as much as using them….almost. Thanks to SRP for providing a platform for people to see how these things were meant to be used. Many more to come. A stone that isn’t used is a useless stone. Unless you collect em cause they’re pretty to look at. I get that too!.
    If possible When you post any education on these rare stones would be greatly appreciated. Synthetics are linear and pretty straight forward. Naturals are their own distinct animal, and for myself I dont know the nuances, properties that make them useful. As people share these pictures and razors, I would like to learn more if you are open to that. Is the hone just a finisher? Does the slurry impart more that grit and polishing differences. Lastly how ever did you come across such a diverse amount of hones?
    Too many questions? Sorry just trying to learn as much as I can, and you seem to have Pandora's Hone Box.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  3. #373
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Touched up my Le Jaguar on a Nakayama kan. Pretty stone, greenish base with blue, rose, and brown kan rings. Not too hard and finer than the vendor rated it, always a pleasant surprise. I was just jonesing for a new rock and expecting an ordinary stone and got something unexpectedly fine and pretty.

    Cheers, Steve
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  4. #374
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    I have been playing with my first natural hone this week. An AJ welsh purple slate. I have been finishing with just water and have enjoyed the results, but this was my first time with a lot of slurry after a 5k naniwa diluting down to just water. Nice finish. This could be the start of something.....

    Heljestrand 31

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  5. #375
    Senior Member jnats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    I have been playing with my first natural hone this week. An AJ welsh purple slate. I have been finishing with just water and have enjoyed the results, but this was my first time with a lot of slurry after a 5k naniwa diluting down to just water. Nice finish. This could be the start of something.....

    Heljestrand 31
    Very nice!
    Japanese-Whetstones and physics it's all just a sea of particles. "If I could remember the names of all these particles, I'd be a botanist." - Enrico Fermi

  6. #376
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    I have been playing with my first natural hone this week. An AJ welsh purple slate. I have been finishing with just water and have enjoyed the results, but this was my first time with a lot of slurry after a 5k naniwa diluting down to just water. Nice finish. This could be the start of something.....
    Slurry and naturals in general is super fun to play around with and eventually master. Rewarding code to break.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  7. #377
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    Just received this monster henkotsu this morning. It's 27+ mm, which puts it just a few hairs shy of 9/8. Boy oh boy did it take a nice edge! I used chosera 1k for bevel set. Then progressed up to 8k on synthetics using a nakayama kiita nagura for slurry on each stone. I find this helps blend the scratch patterns from each grit jump on the synthetics and helps prevent the stones from clogging with metal swarf. Then I went to my unknown nakayama with slurry from the kiita nagura as well. Then just water on my lime kiita finisher. Can't wait to test shave!

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    This is the stone I made a base for out of cedar. I sealed the stone and wood seperate with shellac, then placed it with outdoor silicone sealant. It's sturdy enough for regular use, but if I ever want to remove it, won't be to difficult.

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    The smaller one is a 7/8 henkotsu. Both were nos when I got them.
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    Last edited by prodigy; 01-09-2016 at 08:06 PM.
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  8. #378
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel View Post
    Slurry and naturals in general is super fun to play around with and eventually master. Rewarding code to break.
    I get very consistent results with my synthetic set up, I have a young family so I dont have much time to play about with honing so a synthetic set up gets me where I need to be with minimal fuss.
    This slate is a cheap toe dip into the natural world...

  9. #379
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    Lots of rock rubbin' today, got in 2 'new' razors and a new piece of uchigumori. Everyone says not to do two new things at once, but where's the fun in that? Lol - the edges turned out stupendously. The razors are a short swayback hollowground NOS Ribbon and a Tanifuji BaBa 1000 Swedish steel. Both had some wonkiness with the bevels, more surprisingly with the NOS Ribbon, so the Ribbon edge had to be developed from essentially no edge at all.

    So the heavy lift was done with a Shapton Glass 500, finishing with about 20 super light strokes after the bevels looked good at 10x, to get ready for the Shapton Pro 2k, my normal bevel setter, and a Shapton Pro 5k. I was out of cherry tomatoes, so I set the bevels by inspection and the HHT starting at 2k.

    Since these were out for their first dance, I did a little extra with an ungraded but very fine Mikawa nagura, followed by komo and tomo, all on a hard piece of superfine kiita. Honing was a breeze after the Shaptons worked their magic on the low end. The Tanifuji is harder steel, and I believe took a little better edge which should be no surprise to those of us who are Tanifuji fans.

    So what's that piece of uchi for? Well, after the final honing with the tomo, I did a procedure Alx and I have been discussing, a few dry honing strokes on a soft smooth polishing stone. It games the HHT but honestly I can't tell that much difference shaving. But it will boost a HHT 4+ to 5 to silent HHT at 1" or more which is just fun. I'm easily amused.

    Cheers, Steve
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  10. #380
    32t is offline
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    Two unassuming workhorses.

    Touched up this Joseph Turner on the 8K Norton starting with slurry.

    Anything else although fun is unnecessary.

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