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Thread: Challenge accepted

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    So true, Roy. So true.
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  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Me too Roy ,m riding with you, just 2200 miles apart!!!

    Well Steve your razor arrived today so its up for my 3 pass church shave at 6 am,, after church and football I Should have a good idea, but a true test is to give to another shot the next day, any one can have a bad day so I like to give the edge a fair chance, then a couple of days with Kyles edge, then I,ll fill everyone in. But it was a great day to ride, Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  3. #43
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I don't own any Jnat rocks.

    I started with a King 800, a King 1200 and the Norton 4/8K. After a while I was getting nice edges and could be happy with them for the rest of my life.

    I gave the 800 away to help a guy get started honing.

    Later on I added a Naniwa 12K and used it as a finisher for quite awhile.

    A friend gave me a PHIG. It's ok, but I like the edge off of the Naniwa much better.

    After speaking with a well respected honer I purchased a Zulu Grey. I really like the edges off of it.

    A friend gave me an Arkansas Hard Black. It's ok but the Zulu is far superior in my humble opinion.

    About a year ago I picked up the Chorosa 1K just to speed up bevel setting.

    A friend in Germany found a Belgium Yellow/Blue for me and I've been playing with it and have been pleased, but I'm still learning it. Currently it's on loan for an evaluation by the above mentioned honer.

    With all this said; If I were to drop and break my Naniwa 12K, the Zulu, the Arkie, the PHIG, and didn't have the funds to replace it, I would be happy living off of that Norton 8K edge for the rest of my life.

    However If I were to drop and break that Norton 4/8 I'd eat peanut butter sandwiches day in and day out until I could save up to buy another one.

    I've said it time and time again; IF you can't get a CCC (Clean-Close-Comfortable) shave off of a 8K hone, then your wasting your money buying higher grit stones.

    There are no 'Magic' hones that you can wave your blade across and have the edge mystically transformed.

    I really like what Glen (GSSIXGUN) says;


    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"

    Well the clouds are disappearing, the suns out and I don't want to sit here all day so I'm off for a ride on the Harley.
    Very well put, as I think Fish used to say on Barney Miller.
    cudarunner, sharptonn and BobH like this.

  4. #44
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Something about the old Norton. Reckon I might put my finger on it!
    That was 2 years ago, I think. I will trade a razor for a 4/8 Norton!
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