Hi guys,

I'm trying to set a good bevel with a shapton gs 1K. (And am a beginner ...)

So I've got 3 learning blades. One, I was able to hone, set a good bevel, and got it shaving quite "OK".
The other I'm trying out now is something else, It's actually my first razor, a Dovo, which I got year ago, and did try some honing on with a Coticule in the past. It didn't shave well anymore so ended up in the closet ...
Meanwhile I picked up a shapton GS progression and wanted to bring it back.

So, after doing the circle method, followed by straight strokes and x strokes. Not quite counting but watching the water, first I notice that one side was undercutting, the other side not in the middle.
The after doing the TNT I got the confirmation that in the middle something was off.
After doing the sharpie test it is clear that one side of the blade, at that spot I felt with the TNT, is not touching the hone.

What I tried so far was putting 1 finger on that spot and guided the blade doing straight strokes.
Every 5 strokes it finished with x strokes (without finger) and looked and felt at the edge.

Nothing changes.... so here I am wondering

PS: I'm using 1 layer of tape