In short, yes ~ the 8k will get you there. But it will take a LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNG time unless you keep a more aggressive grit in the mix. When you DO have the bevel from the 4k, and you've taken it all the way to the edge uniformly and without microscopic chips, then go to 8k and continue to progress from there. The reason for throwing in the 8k during the 4k stage is to keep smoothing over the scratches a little as you go. This helps keep the edge from chipping out on you. Honing at an angle (X) has the same benefit. Going straight down the hone raises the risk of the edge catching on something that you might not see or even feel and gouging the edge, microscopically speaking of course, causing these tiny crumbled out, or chipped spots. The edge of a razor at this thinness is very very fragile. These are a few things i've learned and hopefully they might shed a little light. Everyone has their own opinions, naturally. Reading enough of them and toss in your own experiences and you'll begin to form your own personal conclusions.
