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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #231
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I'm doing a Frameback, a Klas Törnblom. I honed this reasonably well for the first time a few weeks ago, but I used a Shapton 16k as well. The Norton is soaking as I type...
    Awesome Carl. Glad to see some of the less traditional being counted in this. The Swedish steel should be a nice addition to this. Mine is a true french frameback. I have three blades for it and took a never used one in it for this.
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  2. #232
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    I am not entering into this because I am doing some experimenting with my jnat. But I am going to do up one razor on my Norton 4/8 and use it intermittently through the the month and see how much I can improve it with what I learn from all of you.

    This thread is a great idea! The classics never die.

  3. #233
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    Default Here are my pair

    On the left is a Henkels Twinworks Friday. On the right is a Bengall. I included the respirator in the picture because that is the reason I shave. I have to wear one at work. This is just mine from home for use in the garage. The sharpie other than to hold the hone at an angle is what I use sometimes to make sure my stroke is right. LOL

    Although it is only 10:14 here it is January in a lot of the world, so here it goes.

    I honed the Bengall tonight after watching Lynn's circle video. The main reason I chose the Bengall over the frameback was that the edge was straighter. I had trouble getting the bevel on the one side with the circle pattern. All of my razors are used and one of my personal problems is matching someone else's honing style with out having to grind away half the blade to make it mine. After about 80 X strokes I then got the bevel done. Although I am still not happy with the last 1/4 inch of the toe on one side. I will get enough practice here in the next month that will surly bring that in line. I then did 30 light strokes on the 4k and 10 on the 8k. After that I did 80 laps on my paddle strop. [It was vary hard to avoid using the green side!]

    Although plenty of room for improvement the resulting shave passed the RFT [Respirator Fit Test] with flying colors.

    Happy New Year!

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  4. #234
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Just finished honing and shaving [link to SOTD post] with the Klas Törnblom (3:15 PM Sunday 1st of Januray 2012).

    I must say I’m very happy with the results, esp given the 6 day growth. I had a plan to emulate the routing posted by jskiles, except double it for the hard Swedish steel, but abandoned it ˝ way through; not because there was anything wrong with it, but because I could see an uneven bevel at the toe. I did most of that routine, though (thanks for the idea jskiles). I used tape on the spine, no marker pen, and a magnifying glass.

    • I lapped the hone before use, I haven’t lapped it since I got it six months ago, but I’ve only used it maybe 10 times. The 8k was way off (I used a grid), the 4k side was OK.
    • I then took the edges off a little again, washed it, then made a thick slurry on both sides with the Nagura cleaning stone, washing between sides. I did this just to make sure it was clean and free of any residual particles from the cheap lapping stone I’ve got. I washed all the slurry off before I used it and didn't hone with any slurry.
    • 120 circles on 4k moderate pressure (yes, 120 ACTUAL count).
    • 80 circles light pressure 4k.
    • Checked bevel (I just held it up to the light and used the magnifying glass) fixed an uneven spot on the toe on one side by doing some aggressive circles.
    • I then did 40 laps straight up and down. I did a few x strokes but abandoned that style for just straight up and down, blade angled, toe uppermost to the L, heel diagonally down to the R, flipping, of course, at the top as per normal. I like the feel of this stroke better than anything else, I use two hands, L index finger in the middle of the spine, R index finger near the pivot, little finger hooked around the scales, scales straight out from the blade.
    • I then did the TNT, (it passed, really dragging and digging in) I then did another 40 light pressure on the 4k to bring the edge back after the TNT
    • 40 8k moderate pressure. I did a TPT about here; I liked the results
    • 40 8k light
    • I then started the pyramid, really light and REALLY concentrating, 20 8k, 15 4k, 10 8k, 5 4k, 10 8k.
    • The rest, including stropping, is in the SOTD for the first day of a better year (in a bit)...


    1. I should lap more
    2. I should clean the hone more
    3. I should try to evaluate as I go more and adapt the plan to suit
    4. My style of honing works for me. If I'm happy with it, I should continue to hold the razor in that manner and concentrate on the end result.
    5. I had fun.

    I'll do the same routine (halved) for the W&B, i.e. 60 circles, then 40, etc...
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 01-01-2012 at 09:05 AM.
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  5. #235
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    Well finally honed my first candidate for the month Greaves & Sons 5/8 half hollow did about 250 circles on each side intermixed with 150 x patterns all on the 4k until it was popping the fine hairs off my arm with no effort then took it for 50 x laps on the 8k side will be doing 100 on each the linen and leather in the morning for the first shave. Will be honing my other tomorrow or Monday to shave with Tuesday. As an aside the Greaves is my first full restore the blade needs some polishing as I just gave it a dry wipe after I pulled the tape off and I've been wanting to give this beauty a try since I bought it months ago.

    to all taking part in the opening of JaNorton 2012 in the morning I will be as well, I'm so excited!!!!
    Last edited by rinwaln; 01-01-2012 at 04:48 AM.
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  6. #236
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    Awesome Carl. Glad to see some of the less traditional being counted in this. The Swedish steel should be a nice addition to this. Mine is a true french frameback. I have three blades for it and took a never used one in it for this.
    I think I saw that on the SOTD thread, I like it. It'd be nice to swap blades. So I guess one sharpens all the blades in turn in one go, and then swaps the old ones for newies as you go?
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  7. #237
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    Well, I rang in 2012 with my first JaNorton shave. The Seamann was a delight. 3 passes, perfect result, and the shave was fantastic. No sting at all from the after shave splash. Simply excellent in every way.

    It sure is nice to go back to basics on occasion. If a person were so inclined, they could experience shaves like I just had and be happy as a lark.

    I'm really glad we're doing this. I'll post a SoTD tomorrow sometime. Good stuff, men.

  8. #238
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Just finished honing the W&B. Assisted during the process by that Adele lady through the Sennheiser headphones. She can sing, can’t she? I want to marry her and have her babies...

    Anyway, to the W&B. Similar routine to the Törnblom, including the hone prep. Took a bit of time out at the 40 light circle mark to fix an uneven bevel at the toe again.

    • I lapped the hone before use, used a grid again as I did this morning. Found the 8k side needed some work again. Either I’m pressing too hard (and wearing the hone unevenly), or this is normal or the lapping stone is sh*t.
    • I then made a thick slurry on both sides with the Nagura cleaning stone, washing between sides. I did this just to make sure it was clean and free of any residual particles from the cheap lapping stone I’ve got.
    • 60 circles on 4k moderate pressure.
    • 40 circles light pressure 4k.
    • Checked bevel, fixed an uneven spot on the toe on one side by doing some aggressive circles.
    • I then did 40 laps straight up and down, moderate pressure.
    • I then did the TNT, (it passed, it got a smile out of me), but the heel didn’t dig in as much. Might be because of the lack of weight in that area (and a combination of the lack of my experience doing this test) but I did another 10 4k moderate anyway (to be sure to be sure).
    • Did the TNT test again, still not happy with the heel (I like a nice heel, esp now I’ve grown my goatee back) so I did another 10 on the 4k moderate.
    • TNT and a PASS! Another 10 to bring the edge back after the test.
    • 20 4k moderate pressure. I did an inadvertent TPT about here while flipping the razor; the edge just coming in contact with the pad of my finger. I could feel the sting. At this stage it’s sharp.
    • 20 8k mod
    • 20 4k lt
    • 20 8k lt
    • I then started the pyramid, really light and REALLY concentrating, 20 8k, 15 4k, 10 8k, 5 4k, 10 8k.

    I’ll shave with this on Tuesday, giving my face a break after today. I’ll do a ‘normal’ strop. With today’s shave I started with the normal 30/70, but ended doing 30/110, I stropped until I liked the sound, I think the sound can be quite indicative, really...

    OH, Lessons I Learnt...

    1. Don't be so free and easy that you don't have a plan or routine at all
    2. Headphones help
    2. Have fun
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 01-01-2012 at 09:17 AM.
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  9. #239
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    well this was a good shave. Not BBS but good. I have a feeling the more I shave/strop this over the month I'm going to actually see an improvement in the quality of the shave.
    1. I have to pay attention to using better technique.
    2. Strop will help polish the edge up.
    Just guessing right now and need to try the 1/4 hollow in Mon morning.
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  10. #240
    Senior Member mjhammer's Avatar
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    Ok, the prep is complete, and the razors are cleaned and ready. The stones have been soaked and the lynn video is ready to hit play....

    First a late breakfast and then it's nose to the (grind)stone!!! hehehe.

    Wish me luck!!!

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