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Thread: The Famous/Infamous Norton 4/8 "JaNorton 2012"

  1. #211
    Senior Member Str8Shooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    You forgot the damn FUN part

    Now everyone get back to having fun
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  2. #212
    Little Bear richmondesi's Avatar
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    Ok. I waited a few hours and did my first razor for the event, an INOX 5/8 Puma. Very similar to the last razor, except I built a slight slurry on the 8k. There was a better hanging hair test result, though... I suspect this razor will shave very well.
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  3. #213
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    How did you cut it? I used a diamond lapidary saw for my PHIG. I don't know how the Norton would effect the blade. The blade is worth more than the hone for sure.
    2 dollar (IIRC) carbide hacksaw blade, used on many stones and still going strong

  4. #214
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    Wink Day one...

    Well...I took my first shot at honing and survived the experience. I am using two Boker razors I got off Ebay. (Yes...that is a risky thing to do for a rank beginner but they were only $20 each so I gave it a shot. I think I had a bit of luck.) I'm going to try and attach a picture at the bottom of this post. I don't know a lot about them. One has "Extra Hollow Ground" and "Fully Warranted" engraved on the blade. The tang has the engraving "H. Boker & Co No 347" on it. The blade was in good shape with a fair amount of patina but no damage. The other razor is a Boker King Cutter. Both were pretty dull when I got them so no need to do anything other than get to honing.

    I used the same pattern on both razors. 60 circles per side on the 4000 grit with moderate pressure. 40 circles per side on the 4000 grit with very light pressure. 20 X patterns on the 4000 grit with moderate pressure. That seemed to get a good edge on both razors. I then did a pyramid of 20, 15, 10, 5 and 1 (going back and forth between the 4000 and 8000 grits). Both razors cut arm hair with ease at the end. I did 80 laps on the strop (leather side only). I pulled a few hairs off my hair brush and both razors passed the HHT like champs. I am confident that my initial success will be followed by frustration and despair. One thing is certain...I'm hooked!

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  5. #215
    Senior Member bman40's Avatar
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    Hey Maxi - How is that Collingwood rye? I've been meaning to give it a try. I'm on an Alberta Premium kick these days..... long live Canadian whiskey!!


    Quote Originally Posted by Maxi View Post
    Alrighty then....I'm up and running.

    The two warriors:

    1) Wade and Butcher, 7/8, full hollow.
    2) Dovo Best, 5/8, full hollow.

    I chose to use my Dovo, because many people begin their shaving journey with one of these razors. In fact, I just honed one last night for a new forum gentleman.

    Both razors were taped. Both razors had circles done straight down and back on the hone, and both heels were canted forward about 30 degrees for the X strokes.

    Wade and Butcher:

    4k) No slurry. 20 circles, medium pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's, medium pressure. Then, 20 circles NO pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. Finished the 4k with 10 X's, smooth, even strokes.

    8k) 10 X's. No pressure, smooth and even strokes.

    Dovo Best Quality:

    4k) Medium slurry with DMT 325. 20 circles, NO pressure. Repeat. Followed with 10 X's, no pressure. Rinse stone and razor. Then 20 circles, no pressure. Repeat. Followed by 10 X's no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. Finished with 10 X's, smooth, even strokes.

    8k) 10 X's, no pressure. Rinsed stone and razor. New water on stone. Remove water with finger. Damp stone: 10 X's, ultra light, very slow stroke (3-4 seconds down, 3-4 seconds back).

    Stropping: Both razors were stropped on an SRD Premium III, 50/100 - webbing/leather.

    Shave test comes this afternoon.

    Attachment 86125

    Attachment 86124
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  6. #216
    Geriatric Gamer/Surf Fisher tonycraigo's Avatar
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    Yea, I'll join in...

    I have 3 razors and a Norton 4/8...

    It's all I have and have been shaving for a while now.

    It'll be fun to see how the upper-crust does with gran-dad's equipment.

  7. #217
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    Default Not JaNroton yet

    Still time I hope...I am going to back out of the frame back that i mentioned earlier. In its place I am placing a Bengall. It has much less of a smile and hopefully will let the advice I get here show through more than the learning of my honing. I will use as a starting point Lynn"s video. Very good. Lets see if I can get it better from there!


  8. #218
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    I could have cut down the amount the circles and x strokes considerably had I used more pressure but I really but like doing that, getting rid of the scratches afterward is a bigger headache for me. After watching Lynn's video that is really the best way to go, very to the point.

  9. #219
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Sir! *raises hand* Are we supposed to have started yet? I thought it started on the first, is there homework?

    These are the two I'll hone tomorrow. So, we're supposed to pick two razors, dull them, hone them on the Norton 4/8 only, then shave as much as possible with them for all of January; documenting the process and results? Do we hone them during January at all (can we?, not that I particularly want to...).

    I think I'll shave with the W&B first, it's a nicer steel (for me, it sort of feels soft), but I'll hone the Klas Törnblom first. I think I'll have to be quite firm with the Klas Törnblom. I liked one of the routines posted above; I'll have to find it again...

    [EDIT], found the routine (I won't say which one), I'm going to use it slightly modified and then modify it again for the Törnblom. I won't say how I'm going to change it, as I want to stick to my plan and find out the consequences myself...

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    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 12-31-2011 at 04:47 AM.
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  10. #220
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Carl the "Rules" are pretty loose except the have fun one, that will be strictly enforced

    Many of us I do believe are getting the razors tweaked in for the Sunday 01-01-2012 SOTD I know I am posting on it for sure..
    You can touch up and tweak the razor during the month too.. The only rule to this game is Norton 4/8 and Linen/Leather only

    I am going to try and get another vid done on a slightly different way tomorrow myself... Some great stuff already coming online in here, keep it up gents...

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