Ok, after a particularly trying day at the office I decided to give this honing thing another run.

So I soaked up the 4/8 and got my Genco Master Barber ready....

Even though I know it's not really necessary (it didn't have much of an edge after my LAST attempt at honing LOL) I killed the edge using the same technique Glen did in his honing video then proceeded to the 4k stone

Did about 5 figure 8's with the DMT325 to raise a touch of slurry then did:

3 sets of 40 circles heavy and 5 x strokes (Just back and forth with a slight heel forward cant to the razor, no "swoop" at the end) checked, nope, not popping hair

So, ANOTHER 3 sets of 40 circles (40 each way I mean) 5 x strokes and checked,,,,pops a little hair with effort but not quite ready

Again, another 40 circles.... 10 X strokes, This time it's popping hair but I think it could still be better
so one LAST set of 40 circles and 5 more x strokes... NOW it's popping hair decently

I looked at it under the loupe, and the bevel seems even (not that I really know what I'm looking at....) so I decided to move up..

3 sets of 40 circles and 5 x strokes medium pressure

3 sets of 40 circles and 5 x strokes NO pressure

Then I went for the following pyramid

5-5 3-3 1-3 1-5 and then 10 x strokes on the 8k ZERO pressure...

100 passes felt
100 passes leather

And this time the verdict is....SHE SHAVES!!! Did a 3 pass shave and while it's definitely nowhere near the smoothest blade I've ever tasted, and it wasn't the closest shave I've ever had, I got a decent shave out of it. it's not getting as close as my other pro honed blades but for only my 2nd time out on the stones I'm happy... Still have way more to learn

Wonder what I can do to make it smoother within the confines of JaNorton ....