Well after reading all these posts I think the pyramid is probably a great way to learn, as it seems many of the newbies like it and it works for them, it worked for me also. At this point in time, I think for me at least that the progressive way seems to give me quicker and better results. Not to say that I didn't learn a lot using the pyramid, mostly feeling the difference on the edge with the TPT, and going back and forth. The pigtail stroke, and the circle, for me anyhow seems to be the quickest way to getting to the edge I want. The best way that I have been able to tell that my method has been working is because I have a test subject in the house, my wife. She used to on occasion use my straight or my shavette to nip off an eyebrow hair or two, now that she sees my naked arms and patches of hair missing from my chest and thighs, she is afraid to go near them, this tells me all I need to know. And I guess it comes down to this different strokes for different folks no pun intended.