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Thread: Help Honing Near Wedge Please

  1. #21
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Hi regularjoe,
    Sorry, I don't mean to be dismissive about the extra layers of tape, of course it's a valid option. The reason I am choosing not to use extra tape is I want to even out the whole of the existing bevel. It's possible that after I've done that I'll add another later. That way I suspect I'll have two nice even bevels parallel to the edge of the blade all the way along the blade. I fear if I go the extra layer now, I'll still be left with an uneven bevel, albeit one not actually on the edge. i realise this will make no difference to the cutting edge, but will mess with my OCD and look a little unsightly. I'd rather a wider even bevel than two, with one being uneven. Does that make sense? The other reason is I want to 'standardise' the number of layers. Again, I'm thinking it's possible i forget in the future that I've used two layers of tape. Better for me to leave it at one and put up with a wide (yet hopefully even and smooth) bevel.

    Each time I try to hone this razor it improves, but it's STILL not there yet! I was able to shave my goatee off with it last night, no nicks or irritation, but it's still not a CLOSE shave, no where near as nice as my other razors that I've honed on the same equipment. It's like shaving with a Bic that's a month old with no cream.

    I know I said in another thread that I'm going to keep going until i get it right, but I think I'll actually have Sunday night as the last chance. If I can't get it done after honing it again tonight (Fri) Sat and Sun I'll send it away. I do thank you all for all your input, it is ALL valid. I do know I'm making mistakes, and I know I over think things and sometimes go against the wisdom, but I want to know WHY it's not going too well.

    I thing i'm almost there with this, at least I HOPE so. The edge looks really smooth, even, shiny and straight. I actually can't for the life of me work out why it's not sharp. It could be the bevel's still not set 100% right.
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  2. #22
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I'm a passionate proponent of tape after five months of honing hell. lol. Thanks for explaining your logic to me. I don't think that deeply about these things. First, I go for shaving sharp. Second, I go for aesthetics. Third, if priority one is satisfied, priority two becomes null and void. Different strokes for different folks. I just thought you really, really, really didn't want to use tape.

  3. #23
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Carl , after seeing the SOTD pics. I think your problem is the razor is so worn that the stabiliser is lifting the heel. It is more obvious on one side & I'd bet the toe was honing up way before the heel. No amount of tape would correct that.
    Really should have done something with that first. Here's a bit more info:
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

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  5. #24
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by regularjoe View Post
    I'm a passionate proponent of tape after five months of honing hell. lol. Thanks for explaining your logic to me. I don't think that deeply about these things. First, I go for shaving sharp. Second, I go for aesthetics. Third, if priority one is satisfied, priority two becomes null and void. Different strokes for different folks. I just thought you really, really, really didn't want to use tape.
    I AM using tape, albeit one layer only. And yes, I know at times I'm completely illogical, you just need to read the words under my avatar to realise that :-)

    Best wishes, Carl
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  6. #25
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Carl , after seeing the SOTD pics. I think your problem is the razor is so worn that the stabiliser is lifting the heel. It is more obvious on one side & I'd bet the toe was honing up way before the heel. No amount of tape would correct that.
    Really should have done something with that first. Here's a bit more info:
    Thanks a heap, that's really helpful. The photos are exactly what mine is like, as you say! Actually, the last 3/4 of a CM or so at the toe isn't even touching the hone when it's laid flat (but only one one side, when laid flat on the other side the whole length touches); I tried to compensate by sort of lifting it 'manually' so to speak.

    I think maybe I should just drive up to Sydney for the weekend, but I hear it's pretty much under water...

    Last ditch effort on this this weekend, otherwise I'll be sending it out. I'll PM you for full honing charges, sometimes it's just better to let the experts do it; I just wish I could just be taught to fish; if you get the adage...
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  7. #26
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Possibly a warp issue as well
    Yeah. Sydney's somewhat "damp" atm. You'd need snorkels & flippers.
    I get the fishing analogy. Used to fish a lot. I could even teach you how to cast a fly rod
    Keep us posted .

    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Thanks a heap, that's really helpful. The photos are exactly what mine is like, as you say! Actually, the last 3/4 of a CM or so at the toe isn't even touching the hone when it's laid flat (but only one one side, when laid flat on the other side the whole length touches); I tried to compensate by sort of lifting it 'manually' so to speak.

    I think maybe I should just drive up to Sydney for the weekend, but I hear it's pretty much under water...

    Last ditch effort on this this weekend, otherwise I'll be sending it out. I'll PM you for full honing charges, sometimes it's just better to let the experts do it; I just wish I could just be taught to fish; if you get the adage...
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #27
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Yeah, 'tis warped. I need to rock it on the hone to get contact on all of one edge (but not the other side???). Maybe the spine is uneven? Anyway, it's shaving, Jim, but not as we know it...

    [EDIT] this here is what I need to do, as described by xman:
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 03-02-2012 at 09:20 AM.
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  9. #28
    Senior Member globaldev's Avatar
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    are wide bevels really so ugly... i thought so at first and got this result with really my only wedge with 4-5 pieces of tape and didn't enjoy the edge.. and it was a pain to keep the tape symmetric across the spine.

    i figured i would get down to 1 layer and it took quite a long time on a very low grit hone and got to this..

    in person it's so beautiful, and the shave was so so nice... after all the work put into this wedge and the result, i'll never curse a wide bevel again.. I have a new found appreciation, but a warped bevel.. that's something altogether different...

  10. #29
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Actually, I was thinking last night that there is actually and advantage in a way to a wide bevel. For those of us without microscopes or loupes, you can really see what's going on with a wide bevel. Each few passes on the hone tells a story about what part of the bevel may or may not be touching the hone; you can really see the bevel being polished as you go from 4 to 8k. As my blade is a little warped, I needed to use a rocking motion for one side, as stated. The wide bevel allowed me to see exactly what I was doing. My other 4 razors I use (I have one waiting buffing and honing) have very very narrow bevels. I'm not fussed about the wide bevel on mine, esp as now it's even and polished along the length. I still can get the edge better, but if I can't, I'll send it out for re-honing. Does anyone know if evening the SPINE is an option; or does one normally put up with using the rocking motion to hone? It's even possible I'll go further and get the whole razor refurbished.
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  11. #30
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Does anyone know if evening the SPINE is an option; or does one normally put up with using the rocking motion to hone?
    Honing without tape, you can make minor corrections to geometry but if the thing needs a regrind &/or is badly warped you may still need to adapt your stroke.
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