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Thread: Heddiw dda i chi o Gymru (Good day to you from Wales)

  1. #501
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    well all this talk about chocolate cake and i havent got any.
    Nor do I, but that's probably good.
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  2. #502
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bombay View Post
    i just meant in UK there is a ton of crap on ebay. then a couple online trad shaving shops have strops that are like 1.2 inches wide then theres invisible edge then the pinnacle of strops at strop-shop
    There is a tonne of crap on eBay everywhere, how else do you think people sell their crap that no one would buy from a real shop, and even if they did the shop would not make enough money to stay in business. Are you sure those trad shops are not selling belts?
    Time to shine my boots and sew up a hole in my work trousers.
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  3. #503
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    First, chocolate cake is BRILLIANT.
    Secondly why not turn your addiction into a moneyspinner, you could fix and sell old razors.
    Richard Rosenfeld, Retiree Razor Restorer.
    I know the retiree part is only semi true, but it wouldn't scan as well. If it said.semi-retired.
    Its blowing a gale here, I am off to hang out my washing and then have a shave, I think my.frameback is going to have an outing tonight.
    Have a good weekend.
    My dear edhewitt, Appreciations for your projecting me as a restorer of olde timey razors. But here is the problem. As the old saw goes, "Restore thy self and then tend to those damn, misused, forgotten, abused inert materials formulated in the guise of scraping equipment and add to the already too many projects underway in your humble, unkempt, jam packed with this, that and everything (but not a hoarder) bits of ephemera, house."

    You know, it could happen. Yesterday, doctors appointment, diabetes check up, A1c normal, doc said don't darken my doorstep for four months, you are wasting my time. That was step one on the path to restoring ones self. Will post additional advancements, if and when they occur.

    And as to chocolate cake. Why do they bother to make anything OTHER than chocolate cake? In truth it was one of my downfalls on the path to too much on my frame. In my heyday I was known to devour a half of a chocolate cake in one sitting. Reality now is a piece almost slim enough to see light thru and I have to convince myself I am sated.
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  4. #504
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    My dear edhewitt, Appreciations for your projecting me as a restorer of olde timey razors. But here is the problem. As the old saw goes, "Restore thy self and then tend to those damn, misused, forgotten, abused inert materials formulated in the guise of scraping equipment and add to the already too many projects underway in your humble, unkempt, jam packed with this, that and everything (but not a hoarder) bits of ephemera, house."

    You know, it could happen. Yesterday, doctors appointment, diabetes check up, A1c normal, doc said don't darken my doorstep for four months, you are wasting my time. That was step one on the path to restoring ones self. Will post additional advancements, if and when they occur.

    And as to chocolate cake. Why do they bother to make anything OTHER than chocolate cake? In truth it was one of my downfalls on the path to too much on my frame. In my heyday I was known to devour a half of a chocolate cake in one sitting. Reality now is a piece almost slim enough to see light thru and I have to convince myself I am sated.
    Chocolate is my nemesis, I ate 600 grams of assorted Cadbury offerings and 6 creame eggs in the space of a few hours between breakfast and a roast lunch once in my late teens. But no longer. I was at the huntarian museum in Scotland once and there was a machine thre that predicted your life expectancy, apparently I have about 13 years left
    Well some other cakes are not entirely Terrible, but generally choccie wins. I an currently enjoying chocolate flavour meal replacement shakes for dinner most nights. I do actually mean that too they are pretty yummy.
    You could use the idea of being a restorer to justify actually being a curator.
    I think I may have very mild shaving cream AD.
    I am steering off soap collecting as I have enough palmolive to last absolutely ages.
    The last two nights I have been knocking up lather with a mixture of Palmolive soap, glycerin, macca root cream and fauldings cream. On their own the fauldings and macca root dont smell especially special but together in the mix they smell good.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  5. #505
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Chocolate is my nemesis, I ate 600 grams of assorted Cadbury offerings and 6 creame eggs in the space of a few hours between breakfast and a roast lunch once in my late teens. But no longer. I was at the huntarian museum in Scotland once and there was a machine thre that predicted your life expectancy, apparently I have about 13 years left
    Well some other cakes are not entirely Terrible, but generally choccie wins. I an currently enjoying chocolate flavour meal replacement shakes for dinner most nights. I do actually mean that too they are pretty yummy.
    You could use the idea of being a restorer to justify actually being a curator.
    I think I may have very mild shaving cream AD.
    I am steering off soap collecting as I have enough palmolive to last absolutely ages.
    The last two nights I have been knocking up lather with a mixture of Palmolive soap, glycerin, macca root cream and fauldings cream. On their own the fauldings and macca root dont smell especially special but together in the mix they smell good.
    Is it possible to add minutes to our lives for every ounce of chocolate we don't eat. If so that would be sacrifice beyond humanity. When diabetes type 2 reared its ugly head of My last year I was at that advanced age of 79 still inhaling immense amounts of chocolate substances along with other high caloric goodies. Immense will power on my part to avoid medicines to deal with type 2 I resorted to exercise and diet. Within 9 months I managed to drop 35 lbs. At a plateau for many months now and need to drop another 10-12 lbs. They hardest to lose. That means, on a 5'8" frame I went from 200 lbs to 165.

    I'm old enough to be curated, not to be a curator.

    At last count I had ten soaps and creams to choose from for my daily scraping. Plus another 4 just for when I use my DE. I generally add 6 drops of glycerin and an couple drops of Vitamin E to any lather I am working up, except when I occasionally face lather. Where can I get macca root cream and what is fauldings cream? Is this specifically Aussie-British? What effect do the have on the lather other than smell good?

    I go now to contemplate the daily combination of what soap, which razor, scuttle, bowl or face lather, after shave cream or lotion and other needed thought for a decent day.
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  6. #506
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Good work on the weight loss and medication avoidance, it takes a fair bit of will power not to just buy "treats" just because you are somewhere that sells them. i I have been trying to drop a few kilos, I was going to weigh myself yesterday but our camp gym is in turmoil after a big redecoration.
    I guess that by default you are adding gme to your life by not taking it away, so you could say that if you used to eat a bar of chocolate everyday, and that bar knocked a minute off your life, by not eating it you are adding a minute to every day, thus bending time.
    Sorry fauldings, and macca root are just shaving creams, fauldings is an Aussie brand I think, it is cheap and more than adequate for its price (a few dollars), macca root shaving cream is the body shops offering, it is more expensive but is quite good. I won't be getting more of it though, when I picked it up I had forgotten that nestle part own l'oreal who own the body shop, and nestle are very morally dubious, or at least were and as far as I know they haven't changed much.
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  7. #507
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    Ed, tell me about Nestle's dubious character. Losing weight was easy and difficult at the same time. Easy in that i had the willpower to make sure I avoided the need for pills or insulin shots. A great incentive. Difficult i that I had to consciously decide on what foods I have and not have. A hit and miss proposition. Nothing is taboo with diabetes, its a matter of how the foods affect your glucose levels. Certain foods, like potatoes kick glucose levels up, sometimes drastically, but sweet potatoes often doesn't affect the levels, or at times because it slows digestion down, reduce the glucose level. (I test just as I start a meal and two hours after). Easy, because dietitians often suggest the Mediterranean diet which I've always liked. Very difficult because portion control is the real key to weight loss and I've gotten lazy about that (hence, the plateau). And empty calories are avoided as much as possible, but I celebrate every Saturday night with a nice stiff drink with dinner (and no testing). Tonight a vodka Gibson w/ 2 onions & 2 tomolives. And this coming midweek a treat of a small piece of chocolate cake, even if I have to invent a reason for it.

    I can't bend time but I AM my own time machine and I'm working on projecting myself as far into the future as I possibly can and then some.

    I'll ahve to look a tUS sites for Macca root, you've got my curiosity up.
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  8. #508
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    Yes, portion control is something I struggle with, especially as when I am at work, there is essentially an all you can eat buffet for breakfast and dinner.
    In the end I have just gone the meal replacement route, I eat a breakfast of whatever I want, as it is my favourite meal and because it gives me the whole day to burn it off, and I don't go to bed on a big full tummy. I have been sleeping better I think. The lunch and dinners are about 1000 kilojoules each. I do still drink a fair bit of sweet milky coffee, but I am getting slimmer. It isn't a long term soloution but I will do it for a while, only on the 2 out of three weeks I am away for work though.
    The nestle thing, or the biggest one was that in 3rd world countries they were giving out free baby formula while the mums were in hospital (or gave them a tub to take away), and also encouraged the hospitals to push it too I think, so that their milk dried up, then they would have to buy the formula to be able to feed their babies. There is or was a website called baby milk action or something similar that talks about iI can , aparently they are one of the world's most irresponsible companies, and l'oreal aren't or weren't a great deal better. Though that was a few years ago now so MAYBE they have changed.
    If you want I might be able to send you a few shaves worth of mine.
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  9. #509
    Senior Member MrPeters's Avatar
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    My Bayrum arrived today, i'm in love.
    "Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize until they have depleted" - Denis Waitlet

  10. #510
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrPeters View Post
    My Bayrum arrived today, i'm in love.
    Saturday post is brill eh.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

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