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Thread: Pull out your Snurdler and show it off!

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    Actually, in the Urban dictionary, it has a whole different meaning! For your review:
    Apparently, some folks do not have the refinement of the fine gentlemen and ladies on this forum.

    I have been using a plastic sample spoon from the local ice cream store, but perhaps it is time for me to step up my game. A baby feeding spoon is about the right size. They are available in plastic, pewter, silverplate and even sterling silver. If you want to get really fancy, the more expensive ones could be engraved with your name or initials. If I can find the silver spoon given to me at my birth, it might find a new purpose after decades of disuse.

  2. #62
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    For your enjoyment and mine...
    Gasman's Snurdler!
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #63
    JP5 is offline
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    Never used one so forgive my ignorance. I saw one where the person just bent the tip of the knife at 90 degrees. Wouldn't that be more functional than the "T" shape? I feel like I'm missing something.
    - Joshua

  4. #64
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Well, Josh, I thought about putting a bend in just the tip. About a 45-degree angle. But this stuff is so thick I would have needed heat to bend it. Not having a torch stopped that. Then the issue of the handle melting with the heat as when just grinding the shape I had glue or something melting out of the handle part. Had to keep dipping in water while grinding.

    So, I agree a bent tip would have been a nice touch, but not really something I could do.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  5. #65
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I had to dig to find my old pics

    This is my Snurdle Dipper 2.1 it was given away as a gift to a friend about a year ago so i am using my very first design again hehe

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    Name:  Snudle Dipper 2.1.jpg
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  6. #66
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post
    Apparently, some folks do not have the refinement of the fine gentlemen and ladies on this forum.

    I have been using a plastic sample spoon from the local ice cream store, but perhaps it is time for me to step up my game. A baby feeding spoon is about the right size. They are available in plastic, pewter, silverplate and even sterling silver. If you want to get really fancy, the more expensive ones could be engraved with your name or initials. If I can find the silver spoon given to me at my birth, it might find a new purpose after decades of disuse.
    I'm surprised you don't have a seven day set of these snurdlers made of silver with the days etched in 24kt gold! What's the world coming to?
    Geezer, Dieseld and Gasman like this.
    Semper Fi !


  7. #67
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I'm surprised you don't have a seven day set of these snurdlers made of silver with the days etched in 24kt gold! What's the world coming to?
    Yes of course you want your Snurdler to dry properly and relax between uses so a seven day set is important!

  8. #68
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Yes of course you want your Snurdler to dry properly and relax between uses so a seven day set is important!

    dou·ble en·ten·dre
    /ˌdo͞obl änˈtändrə,ˌdəbl änˈtändrə/Submit
    a word or phrase open to two interpretations, one of which is usually risqué.
    Geezer, sharptonn, 32t and 2 others like this.
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  9. #69
    Senior Member ischiapp's Avatar
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    From my lab ...

    One side is a spatula.
    One side has 0,5g spoon.
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  10. #70
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    I was rummaging among the items I kept from my Mother's effects that my siblings didn't want years ago and found my new snurdle. The one on top is an old dentist's tool that I've been using for years. The small demitasse spoon below it is my new snurdle. It is a demitasse spoon from the Ambassador Hotel in Chicago circa early 1920s. It was "liberated" by my Dad as a souvenir for my Mother as a remembrance of their honeymoon in that hotel. She kept in one drawer or another all these past years. I remember playing with as a child and Mother making sure that it got put safely back in the drawer.

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