Sigh......... I sure do love me some Pork !!:rolleyes:
For Breakfast this Morning,Hot coffee and leftover Tamales from Christmas fried in Brown butter with Eggs. Attachment 188872
What be this magical stuff thou art calling "Brown Butter"? Butter be-ist yellow does it not? :)
This will be for breakfast tomorrow. A nice fresh baked Kugelhof.
Attachment 188898
Attachment 188899
That wouldn't last the night here. Attachment 188901
Yes but, You take a bunch O Butt'r and you put it in a pan set to low heat.When the butter has melted and all the solids heve settled to the bottom,carefully drain the oil from the solids(discard the solids).Now you got clarified butter.Now take that and put it in a clean sauce pan.Cook the butter on low to medium heat till it starts caramelizing up. A nice color is about like a light to medium golden syrup color. Now take that and store it in a crock covered in the fridge. Use it like when you want to fry something and it gives great flavor and browning. In India they use it for sauteing spices for making My favorite and ha ha not yours, Curry ! But you can use it for flavoring sauces and gravies or for drizzling over foods for that extra decadence. A good piece of fried fish would be good for brown butter. Yep, there ya go .......Brown Butt'r ! :chapeau