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Thread: Beer of the Day !

  1. #1111
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodyFL View Post
    Quite sadly, I gave up home brewing many years ago when I moved to South Florida. My preference is a good, full-bodied lager; and bottom-fermenting yeasts don't work here any time of year without elaborate and space-consuming refrigeration schemes. Like you, I am no longer a fan of really hoppity beers (IPA's etc.) but my fave is probably Pilsner Urquell. Yes, it's kinda hoppy, but there is something about the Saaz hops that appeals to me. Anyway, seeing your post has inspired me to maybe resurrect the brewing gear and try a Stout (assuming I can find a good recipe.)
    I'll bet you use to make shine, didn't you. The WV gives you away. Also, Mountaineers are always free is a dead give away.
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  2. #1112
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I'll bet you use to make shine, didn't you. The WV gives you away. Also, Mountaineers are always free is a dead give away.
    A batch of beer that for some reason ends up tasting terrible, often makes a very good bottle of kitchen whiskey. Or, so they say, anyway. However I will point out that while it is legal to make beer, it is not legal to distill it into whiskey, without a license, which is difficult and expensive to get. Ergo, home brewers do not make whiskey.

  3. #1113
    Junior Member WoodyFL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I'll bet you use to make shine, didn't you. The WV gives you away. Also, Mountaineers are always free is a dead give away.
    You got me pegged! Although I would enjoy some 'shine from time to time, I never tried producing it ... purchased from "reputable sources" only, of course
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  4. #1114
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrescentCityRazors View Post
    A batch of beer that for some reason ends up tasting terrible, often makes a very good bottle of kitchen whiskey. Or, so they say, anyway. However I will point out that while it is legal to make beer, it is not legal to distill it into whiskey, without a license, which is difficult and expensive to get. Ergo, home brewers do not make whiskey.

    It's only illegal if you get caught. That's what Popcorn Sutton used to say....
    Semper Fi !


  5. #1115
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    It's only illegal if you get caught. That's what Popcorn Sutton used to say, before he got caught....
    There. I fixed it for ya!

    Seriously though, stovetop distilling is hugely inefficient but it is very easy to fly under the radar when you are simply taking 5gal of ale and making two or three quarts of high test booze out of it with a hacked pressure cooker and some copper tubing. If you are brewing to distill, it is cheaper to buy your booze at the grocery. If you are distilling what you brewed that you would otherwise likely pour out, then why not?

    After wood chip "aging", you can decant it into your empty store-bought booze bottles and nobody will know the difference, at the glance.

    The important thing is to discard the heads. That is the first 10% or so that boils off. That will have a lot of methanol in it, and methanol can be nasty stuff if you get too much of it in you.

    This post is for entertainment purposes only and I do not endorse violating federal or state alcohol laws or drinking liquor made without proper health and safety controls.

    One final caveat. You do know why most stills are located way out in the woods, and not in a barn or basement, right? The feds can sieze the property where illegal booze was made. That means your house, if you do it in the kitchen. Would they bother, for less than a gallon of hooch, which you are not even going to sell? Who knows. I don't.

  6. #1116
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    I wonder if Hooter is any relation to Cooter. You know. As in drunker than?
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    Another Florida beer for the Florida man.
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  7. #1117
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodyFL View Post
    Like you, I am no longer a fan of really hoppity beers (IPA's etc.)
    I really like the very fragrant hops. Cascade especially is a favorite. I used to like the rice lagers but those just taste like water to me now. That's why I drink all these 8.0 - 9.3 ABV beers. Not for the alcohol; for the flavor.
    I too quit brewing but it was because I started home brewing and in 6 months I gained 40 pounds. At the rate I was going I would have been a fat bastard before long.
    Last edited by PaulFLUS; 05-09-2021 at 09:06 PM.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  8. #1118
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    I really like the very fragrant hope. Cascade especially is a favorite. I used to like the rice lagers but those just taste like water to me now. That's why I drink all these 8.0 - 9.3 ABV beers. Not for the alcohol; for the flavor.
    I too quit brewing but it was because I started home brewing and in 6 months I gained 40 pounds. At the rate I was going I would have been a fat bastard before long.
    Er Hello Paul,

    Whats wrong with being a fat bastard.

    It's really easy to get it on but bloody hard to get off.

    I go on a chicken and salad only diet periodocally, the last time I managed to get from 275 down to 205. My target was 160 but as soon as I ate anything other than that chicken salad I gained at least 3 pounds.

    I don't know what I can do, I can't spend the rest of my life eating nothing but chicken salad and I have a serious limp so exercise is a problem and all the weight is back on again, my wife say's she's waiting for my heart attack.

    I wasn't always like this, when I was in my 30's and did karate 5 nights a week I had a 32 inch waist. The serious weight started to come on when I moved to Canada, there is something about North American food that makes people fat I reckon, I wasn't diabetic before I came to North America either and it was before the weight.

    Interestingly, before I left England I had known one diabetic, since moving here, about 3 out 10 of evey people I know has diabeties, my wife, her brother, her dad all have it and know me too. My wife isn't overweight and her dad is 101 in a nursing home that wants to give him Boost with his meals because he is so thin.

    Actually, if anyone here would be prepared to share, it would be really interesting to know how many other diabetics are we have.
    Last edited by STF; 05-09-2021 at 11:31 AM. Reason: My keyboard can't spell
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  9. #1119
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Im a fan of the weird beers, so i have this one to share with you all. Goodbye Gravity by Imperial City Brew House. Its a Cream Ale with a hint of vanilla that you can really taste one the back end.
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  10. #1120
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Cool Can, can’t be all bad.
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