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Thread: Beer of the Day !

  1. #321
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Ha! The breakfast of champions! Someone once told me that beer was really just bubbly cereal in a bottle. I guess from an ingredient standpoint, that makes sense.
    Well it's by no means a regular beer for me, last night was the first time I tried it and to be honest I wasn't paying as much attention to it as I should. While not my favorite, it was enjoyable for me. I'm not so sure about "bubbly cereal" but to me it tasted kind of like Sam Adams with a more bitter aftertaste. I'm by no means a beer connoisseur so hopefully that description is helpful in some way.

  2. #322
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    I had that beer last Tuesday; it was the Mrs. b'day and we had lunch over at the ale house, had it on tap; it's an ok beer nothing to write home about. HOG

  3. #323
    Junior Member ProperAnimal's Avatar
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    I'll agree. I'll finish the six pack without much trouble but after that, I won't be too bothered if I don't have it again. I'm happy I tried it but there's got to be better stuff out there for sure.

  4. #324
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    Fat Tire! Gotta love a good microbrew.

  5. #325
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Pulled out my #2 hot weather beer, I'm sure the Australian contingent will agree on the #2 part but for me, it's not that bad. Fosters...Australian for Beer! The trick is it's gotta be really hot outside and your beer has to be really cold. Come to think of it, that arrangement can make almost any beer taste pretty darned good.
    The older I get, the better I was

  6. #326
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    Name:  Nløgne Ø - Imperial Brown Ale.jpg
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    Nøgne Ø (A Norwegian brewery) Imperial brown Ale

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
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  7. #327
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wedwards View Post
    Unfortunately when I started making my own beer, I really lost the taste for almost all commercial beers.

    These days, as a general rule of thumb, i only drink beer I have made myself (unless its a style I have never tasted, or its from a boutique microbrewery). I prefer to control what goes into my beer so that its the best tasting beer you can have.

    At the moment I have a nice belgian golden strong ale on tap (8.1% of pure awesomeness). Have some bottles of it as well, which will be ready in a few weeks, and should top out at just under 9%.

    I also have a brew in the final stages of fermentation. Its a fantastic english oatmeal stout that I am making for the second time.

    Next brew is another I am making for the second time, and nice hoppy IPA (for summer, which will get here over the next month or so with any luck).
    Right there with you! I've been brewing going on 20 years now. Started with the extract kits, then got into brewing from "scratch" for a while now have gone full circle back to kits with some advanced features like filtering and proper lagering sticking around. Although I still tend to enjoy some commercial beers, they are usually the very pedestrian "soda beers" like Fosters and Mickey's Big Mouth or Pabst Blue Ribbon and Corona which I tend to drink very very cold to counteract the fact that I live on the sun (Miami Beach).

    Right now I'm getting the summer batch of American Lager (imagine Budweiser, but better with more Cascade floral scents and Hallertau (both finishing 3 to 1 Hallertau to Cascade) ready for the fermenter. It's crisp and light with just a little bite to let you know it's not your neighbor's Bud. I'll do three batches two weeks apart which last the whole summer (usually) but of course, it's always summer here.

  8. #328
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Pulled out my #2 hot weather beer, I'm sure the Australian contingent will agree on the #2 part but for me, it's not that bad. Fosters...Australian for Beer! The trick is it's gotta be really hot outside and your beer has to be really cold. Come to think of it, that arrangement can make almost any beer taste pretty darned good.
    Ha! Just read your post! REad mine... I see you also live on the sun like me!

  9. #329
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Today's brew:

    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  10. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    Green Flash: West Coast India Pale Ale
    Looks lke a bloody mary.

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