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Thread: Bay Rum Parade "AtC"

  1. #31
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    For those looking for reasonable prices on Royall Bay Rum. Royall Bay Rhum Cologne for Men by Royall Lyme Shipping takes about a week and was the cheapest I found. Check out other items as well at this place. [Kiss my Face products etc.] You all are right about Ogallala Bay Rum and Sandlewood. A great shave soap and Cologne fragrance.

    Last edited by 2Sharp; 02-11-2009 at 02:27 PM.
    Don't go to the light. bj

  2. #32
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    I like the variety of the Barclay Crocker Bay Rum shop and they also offer samples, has anybody ordered from them before?

    Barclay Crocker, Inc.: BAY RUM SHOP

    Al raz.

  3. #33
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    Default Dominica

    I'm not crazy about it but it gets the Singing Nun all excited:
    YouTube - Dominique - Singing Nun

  • #34
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Continuing my quest for the best Bay Rum, I came across the St. Johns Bay Rum. This products comes to us directly from, you guessed it, the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas). I was very excited when I received this one as a present last night. The presentation is beautiful and my initial impression was also positive. St. Johns Bay Rum has more complexity than other examples when smelled in the bottle. It has more cinnamon notes than any other Bay Rum I have tried. It also has some citrus notes to support the main character of the scent. After I shaved this morning, I used a normal amount of St. Johns Bay Rum (I know this does not tell you much but it only means that I did not use more or less than I normally use) and prepared myself for another Bay Rum treat. Well, the results were satisfactory as this products has a nice complex profile that includes a prominent but not overpowering allspice supporting role in the scent. It also seems to last longer than its cousins but it is still very subdued ;-). However, this one does not have the explosiveness of other Bay Rums; it is not so medicinal and intense when you apply it to the skin. St. Johns Bay Rum comes in 4 different "flavors". I only tested the classic/original scent. I certainly like this product but I have to say that it is a bit atypical for a Bay Rum. At a retail price of around $40 this may not be your everyday Bay Rum but one worth trying, especially if you are looking for something slightly different. This product is not as easy to find as other Bay Rum products.

    Al raz.
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    Last edited by Alraz; 03-02-2009 at 10:40 PM.
    JBHoren likes this.

  • #35
    Striving for a perfect shave. GeauxLSU's Avatar
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    I've tried Dominica Bay Rum. Good stuff, I like it.
    I strop my razor with my eyes closed.

  • #36
    Don is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alraz View Post
    Continuing my quest for the best Bay Rum, I came across the St. Johns Bay Rum. This products comes to us directly from, you guessed it, the Virgin Islands (St. Thomas). I was very excited when I received this one as a present last night. The presentation is beautiful and my initial impression was also positive. St. Johns Bay Rum has more complexity than other examples when smelled in the bottle. It has more cinnamon notes than any other Bay Rum I have tried. It also has some citrus notes to support the main character of the scent. After I shaved this morning, I used a normal amount of St. Johns Bay Rum (I know this does not tell you much but it only means that I did not use more or less than I normally use) and prepared myself for another Bay Rum treat. Well, the results were satisfactory as this products has a nice complex profile that includes a prominent but not overpowering allspice supporting role in the scent. It also seems to last longer than its cousins but it is still very subdued ;-). However, this one does not have the explosiveness of other Bay Rums; it is not so medicinal and intense when you apply it to the skin. St. Johns Bay Rum comes in 4 different "flavors". I only tested the classic/original scent. I certainly like this product but I have to say that it is a bit atypical for a Bay Rum. At a retail price of around $40 this may not be your everyday Bay Rum but one worth trying, especially if you are looking for something slightly different. This product is not as easy to find as other Bay Rum products.

    Al raz.
    This is one of my favorites, but it is better served as a cologne not and AS. I will use it as the cologne on the Bay rum day
    AS Dominica all the way

  • #37
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    Could we create a list of vendors for these? I know many of them are readily available (clubman's anyone?), but I would really love to see a list of stores/sites where more rare bay rums (Royall, etc.) could be found. Thanks, guys.

  • #38
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Moved out of the reviews section...

    I moved this thread out of the old reviews section since it really doesn't fit in the new review format, it is pretty much just a Bay Rum thread

    I just ordered 8 new ones to add as soon as they get here...

  • #39
    I Dull Sheffields
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    I have been on a bay rum kick. I love Dominica and Pinaud and I'm thinking about getting Pussers and Capt Smith.

    Problem is, my "to buy" list is so long that other things keep butting in line. Kinda like my Netflix queue.

  • #40
    Master of insanity Scipio's Avatar
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    Anyone know if DR Harris Bay Rum is any good? I cant seem to find any others in the UK, other than TOBS which I have already.

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