I thank that the forum rules prevent profanity...so fellow members...feel free to let go with a profanity laden tirade.

So did some grocery shopping, and wandering through the aisles, ended up in the men's shaving section. Thought to myself, you know, I really should get some cartridges for my Fusion 5 shaver, you never know when you'll need it.

So while checking out, I'm watching the display as it totals up, and I almost coughed up a hair ball.

$26.72 for 5 cartridges!!!!

Are you [insert cuss word] kidding me!?!

I started babbling and spluttering to all those in the check-out with me like a drunken fool, "Holy cow, now I know why I use a straight razor", over and over again!!

It's been so long since I bought any, last time I remember they were like $17.50, which is ridiculous in and of itself, but almost $30!!!

So, next time the wife mentions anything about my razors, I'm going to go and ask her, next time she's at the store, to pick me up some Fusion cartridges...will be interesting to hear her say, "Sheesh, that's ridiculous, for cartridges, now I know why you shave with a straight!!"

Ahhhh...if only that could be true and actually happen!

But really, $26.72...that's insane...what, next year they'll be $35 a pop!?!