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Thread: Looking for Ivory scales

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    There's more pre-ban ivory scales available than you might think. Ebay and other auction sites censor the word ivory in item descriptions. If you look well and know what to look for you can often tell from the pictures it is ivory. With some skill you can remove the ivory and use it on the razor of your choice.
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  2. #22
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    Another hint is to look for titles under "Natural Scales", since ivory is censored.
    Or sometimes the seller don't even realize they have ivory scales in the first place, and you can snatch a score.
    Now, everybody start running off to the bidding wars on the bay!
    Last edited by llalm; 08-22-2015 at 08:14 AM.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by llalm View Post
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    Although the bay has many hidden ivory scales, this one above was not cheap.
    Gunstock type scales in ivory. this scale is truly a beauty! just take your time and eventually you will find some on the bay.
    Ok I get it, you have a load of ivory scaled razors, this thread was about someone looking for a source.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Ok I get it, you have a load of ivory scaled razors, this thread was about someone looking for a source.
    CA has a ban on sale of ivory. I've given a source and great tip to look for ivory scales. See post #22
    Also, look for wavy grains. Make sure there's no holes, mainly distinguished as bone.
    And ivory is typically very thin (about 2-3 time as thin as your normal scales) and usually does not have washers

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by engine46 View Post
    Sorry but all due respect I'm not being "stingy" with what little Ivory I have. I have plans for the one pair I have & already have a candidate for it. It's like trying to find some old rosette collars. I had only 2 for a razor one time I was restoring because the scales were broken so two of them were missing & I asked if anyone had any spares they didn't need but no one replied. Some people are holding onto certain things & so I used something close to it at the time & I accepted the fact that no one had any to spare but like Euclid440 said, he found that one for $20 at a flea market & he will use them I'm sure plus he probably has a blade already picked out for them. The governments restrictions on Ivory have made things even worse.
    I feel the OP will find some after looking for awhile. I'm usually more than happy to help out any time I can but unfortunately I can't this time. I have a mint MK 31 I would love to have some Ivory scales on but I'm content with it the way it is but if the OP is determined enough to put Ivory scales on his straight, then, I think after searching, he will find what he is looking for or like you said, you will check to some contacts you know of.
    Good luck scag315.
    E46 Brother, I was ribbing you and there is enough Ivory out there to supply all the scales for razors you could ever want, I really do want to help you guys find some material for your project razors. Baleen from whale, oh man would it look killer on an Old WB or some of the modifieds you guys do for fun.

    I am a do it your self guy, yeah, Hahaha, it has cost me more to do it myself, but the learning is worth it in most cases.

    Truth is a set of Corian Ivory tint scales done right , one would not know they were not ivory.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    E46 Brother, I was ribbing you and there is enough Ivory out there to supply all the scales for razors you could ever want, I really do want to help you guys find some material for your project razors. Baleen from whale, oh man would it look killer on an Old WB or some of the modifieds you guys do for fun.

    I am a do it your self guy, yeah, Hahaha, it has cost me more to do it myself, but the learning is worth it in most cases.

    Truth is a set of Corian Ivory tint scales done right , one would not know they were not ivory.
    Making scales out of Baleen would be near impossible.Ivory is Ivory,compairing substitutes to Ivory is like a cubic zirc to a Diamond.
    To the O.P,is still plenty of real Ivory to be had in the u.s,You just have to find it
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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by WW243 View Post
    Ed, can you translate 'brother scag?'
    It may have sounded funny, but I think he was actually pointing out what the user scag315 (generator of this thread) said. [emoji6]

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by llalm View Post
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    Good ivory scales are hard to come by these days. I also recommend camel bone as a substitute for ivory scales.
    Are these camel bine scales actually? They look gorgeous! I would go for them instead of ivory, no doubt. There are a lot of setbacks on how ivory is obtained. I mean, not only elephants are illegally hunt by poaches, but also the whole animal is left on the fields, not being consumed by humans, it's wasted. I think camels on the other hand are consumed by people. I mean it's not like they kill a camel only to get the bones, but they use the meat and leather too, as we do with cows here in the West.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by yaguarete79 View Post
    Are these camel bine scales actually? They look gorgeous! I would go for them instead of ivory, no doubt. There are a lot of setbacks on how ivory is obtained. I mean, not only elephants are illegally hunt by poaches, but also the whole animal is left on the fields, not being consumed by humans, it's wasted. I think camels on the other hand are consumed by people. I mean it's not like they kill a camel only to get the bones, but they use the meat and leather too, as we do with cows here in the West.
    Sorry, I meant camel "bone" at the beginning of my comment (automatic corrector....)

  10. #30
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    How do you mean bill?
    Sorry Ed, sloppy reading on my scag was the OP.
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