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Thread: What was your first straight razor? (if you can

  1. #61
    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    Mine was a Dovo Best Quality 5/8ths full hollow. Swiftly followed by a TI Basic Black, then a vintage razor and a Nate's Straight. That is my entire collection so far. Love them all.
    Fact: Opinions are not the same as facts... Well, that's my opinion anyway

  2. #62
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    Hello guys!! New here but I figure a good story has no start date My first straight razor was a yearlong decision.....went from cartridges to a chance buy at a state fair...a woman was selling oddities and I saw a "grandpa" razor on the table. It was an old hoffritz slant and I couldn't stop looking at it reminiscing about watching grandpa slowly shaving with something similar...bought it and tried it- RAD set in DEEP!! Wow!!! I had been missing out on this for years I wanted to try a straight because I felt it went hand in hand with my meticulous nature and, like I said, after a year, I settled on and purchased a 5/8" Dovo Berg Lowe SP... Anxiously waited by the mailbox for five days and when it arrived I was instantly hooked!! I'm a 22 year veteran metal fabricator and precision welder....couldn't imagine trying to build one of these that long ago with a round rock, a fire , and a hammer!!! Rushed into the bathroom, locked the door, beat the devil out of a puck of proraso soap and the very first stroke (which took about a hundred dry run test passes to get the feel of how to hold it) I clipped my earlobe with that unimaginably sharp piece of art!!! Two stitches later, and about a week to get the courage again, tried once more....a little more respectful for the power of this thing and all went well WTG,ATG,XTG, again and again.....loving the sound a singing blade makes...that's when I learned about razor burn! Face was cherry red and burning for about the next three days!! And the "soothing" pinauds aftershave wasn't soothing at all!! BUT, been at it three and a half years now and getting the hang of my addiction drives me and I have two closets full of razors and hones.... and nearly every single flat space in my house covered with some sort of shaving device Oh, that first Berg Lowe sits nicely in my rotation, unused, seemingly daring me to try it again! I found that an 8/8 RP is best for me and one should never learn nor practice on a narrow SP!! My two cents....thanks guys!
    JTmke and outback like this.
    Dad always said "don't smear anything on the ladder as you go hit your nose on all the rungs if you fall...and they'll be too slippery to get back up!"

  3. #63
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    My first straight razor was a 5/8" Edwin Jagger. Later I found out it's basically a Dovo made for the Jagger brand. It was a pretty thing I thought at the time:

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    Shortly thereafter I discovered straightrazorplace, and shortly thereafter I sold the Edwin Jagger. I've totally no regrets selling, I've got much prettier razors now
    outback likes this.

  4. #64
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    My first was a round point Dovo 5/8 that I bought off the exchange. It was a great starter blade for me, and I moved it on to a newbie just a few months ago

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