Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
I had my suspicions along these lines as well....

Aside from all the fuss, Pumas and Dorko's are nice looking razors, but edge retention? Maybe not all they are cracked up to be....

Back on-topic: I guess you can't have it all. Soft steel may not hold an edge as long as "hard" steel, but the Sheffields certainly feel super-smooth on the face. The newest TI's ("hard" steel) have been reported by some to give a somewhat uncomfortable shave.

So, you pays you money, and you takes yer chances....

P.S.- I stil say my W&Butchered holds it's edge forever and a day, so I am not in any way agreeing with the opinions held above.
"Aside from all the fuss, Pumas and Dorko's are nice looking razors, but edge retention? Maybe not all they are cracked up to be...."

You are kidding - right? Am I going to have to call you Shirley because you jest?

"The newest TI's ("hard" steel) have been reported by some to give a somewhat uncomfortable shave."

Whomever told you this needs to have his razors properly honed! Unless the grind is defective - i.e. ground deeper on one side than the other so that the edge doesn't touch the hone.