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  1. #31
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Then we can take back porchmonkey too!

  2. #32
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, each time when there is a razor with a swastika you pass to political themes. We discuss only razors. All known German makers before war made razors and knives for army which was at war with all Europe.
    Let's discuss the razor, instead of picture on the handle.
    Alex Ts.

  3. #33
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    It's too bad that such a historically good symbol was ruined the way it was during WWII. Heck, it was even on the Finnish Air Force Flag until about 1950. It even predates the that's old!

    Link for those of you interested Swastika - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    There is still a swastika in the flag of Finnish Air Forces. It should be not linked to Nazis as the flag has remained the same since 1918, long before Nazis.
    From the planes it was removed after the war. The swastika in the planes was blue.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
    Ladies and Gentlemen, each time when there is a razor with a swastika you pass to political themes. We discuss only razors. All known German makers before war made razors and knives for army which was at war with all Europe.
    Let's discuss the razor, instead of picture on the handle.
    You are absolutely right! this is NOT a political issue. It's just really, REALLY, in bad taste.

    So, lets discuss the razor shall we? Is it just a regular razor? no! It,s a collectible razor. Why is it collectible? because it has a very unique feature - the scales! Why are the scales unique? Is it the material? no - it's the emblematic nature of the scales. It's the message they convey. Is it a "Real" article? i.e. was it actually used "back in the day"? hmmmm...perhaps. perhaps it was even used to prep some of Dr. Josef Mengele's "patients" - that would make it even more collectible don't you think?

  5. #35
    Antiquary manah's Avatar
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    Robert Klaas used swastika on his knives since 1907.
    Alex Ts.

  6. #36
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The reverse swastika is a reocurring theme in American Indian Art and Lore. If you go to the old Federal Courthouse in Albuquerque the main courtroom is decorated with Indian themes and there are too many swastika's to count. As a matter of fact right behind where the Judges bench is you will see a large eagle with a huge reverse swastika. Some people are really shocked by that.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  8. #37
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    I bet they don't have a depiction of Adolf Hitler next to the eagle though - right?

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Alchemist For This Useful Post:

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  10. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemist View Post
    You are absolutely right! this is NOT a political issue. It's just really, REALLY, in bad taste.
    Some symbols have bad vibes for some people. A Jewish friend of mine had a large collection of Lugers. I was always fascinated with them and I bought a 1938 P08 from him. A mauser with the Wehrmacht eagle over swastika hallmark stamped on it. I kept it a couple of days and returned it. For me it had bad vibes. I thought about all of the people that might have been murdered with that gun and I wasn't comfortable keeping it.

    I asked my friend how, he being Jewish, could stomach having all of this nazi stuff and he said it was better that 'we' had it than that they did. So it didn't bother him but it did bother me. You may not share those feelings but to me regardless of the item if it is nazi it comes with baggage that I don't want to carry. I wouldn't take that razor if someone wanted to give it to me. YMMV.
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  11. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    The reverse swastika is a reocurring theme in American Indian Art and Lore. If you go to the old Federal Courthouse in Albuquerque the main courtroom is decorated with Indian themes and there are too many swastika's to count. As a matter of fact right behind where the Judges bench is you will see a large eagle with a huge reverse swastika. Some people are really shocked by that.
    The German swastika is actually the one reversed. It's also found in Hinduism and celtic religions.

    Saw this razor on the 'bay, saw it and passed. Not my thing really, didn't look closely at it as I was thinking "What poor taste".


  12. #40
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    As far as the authenticity of the razor, it seems clear that the razor handle and blade appear to be from different vendors, and the bugle on the front side of the blade appears old and faded while the imagery on the reverse seems crisp and new.

    Granted, even with this information it would probably take a historian to tell you if it is authentic since there are too many factors and not enough information involved.

    As far as owning the blade, if I found out that Max Dorner made amazing blades I would consider picking one up, but if I ever came to possess a razor with this imagery on it. The first thing I'd do is cut off the scales and throw em in the trash.

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