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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by manah View Post
    Ladies and Gentlemen, each time when there is a razor with a swastika you pass to political themes. We discuss only razors. All known German makers before war made razors and knives for army which was at war with all Europe.
    Let's discuss the razor, instead of picture on the handle.
    To be honest, the most interesting part of this razor is the scales. If this wasn't a razor with scales that had a picture of Adolf Hitler and a swastika, I doubt it would have brought the price it did. To ignore the scales and the picture on them, is to ignore a very key part of what makes this item unique.

    Let's take this a step further and say that the blade itself has an iron eagle and swastika etched into it. Are we to ignore that and only discuss the condition of the edge, rust, blade geometry, etc.? Not a chance. The markings on a razor help us identify it's past - even if that means it's a hoax. It's a peek into history and for me that's half the fun. Needless to say if an item has a depiction of a political figure, it's going to bring up a political topic.

    I say let's let the object in question and the thoughts and feelings associated with that object lead the course of conversation. To me, it is much more fun that way.

    Just my two cents.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alchemist View Post
    I bet they don't have a depiction of Adolf Hitler next to the eagle though - right?
    Thanks for saying that. You have to consider the context. Not every swastika is a nazi swastika. But in general, if you see an iron eagle with a swastika in it's talons, or a black swastika in a white circle surrounded by red, or a swastika with a picture of Adolf Hitler, you're looking at a symbol of pure evil - and that's what we see here with this razor.

  3. #43
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    This is a shaving forum. Shouldn't we be discussing the toothbrush/Chaplain/Hitler moustache?

  4. #44
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    I have that razor, it's a Lamir (etched on the blade) from Max Dorner, my scales are those without the Hitler on the back so I believe the scales fit the blade and the Hitler was added.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    This is a shaving forum. Shouldn't we be discussing the toothbrush/Chaplain/Hitler moustache?

    There are few facial hair styles as funny as the mustache that does not extend past the edges of the nostrils.

  6. #46
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Personally i wouldn't much care about the scales with a picture of a man who didn't shave his weird looking moustaches but let them be there for the whole world to see.

    What it comes to authenticity of this razor in question i have a guess that those scales are fake or at least the picture is added afterwards. If it were 100% authenthic the price would have climbed much higher in the auction.

    My wife has this strange habbit of running from dead man's auctions to another, sometimes dragging me with her. I once was in the auction from some military collector and there were some genuine Nazi stuff. It was incredible prices some leatherheads were willing to pay for some of that old Nazi stuff.
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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Personally i wouldn't much care about the scales with a picture of a man who didn't shave his weird looking moustaches but let them be there for the whole world to see.

    What it comes to authenticity of this razor in question i have a guess that those scales are fake or at least the picture is added afterwards. If it were 100% authenthic the price would have climbed much higher in the auction.

    My wife has this strange habbit of running from dead man's auctions to another, sometimes dragging me with her. I once was in the auction from some military collector and there were some genuine Nazi stuff. It was incredible prices some leatherheads were willing to pay for some of that old Nazi stuff.
    I don't think it is necessarily a fake. The price may have been low because of the Hitler/Nazi stuff on there.

    I'd certainly have paid >$60 for a German made razor in great condition. But there's no way I'd pay anything, or be paid anything to take a razor with that stuff on there.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post
    I don't think it is necessarily a fake. The price may have been low because of the Hitler/Nazi stuff on there.

    I'd certainly have paid >$60 for a German made razor in great condition. But there's no way I'd pay anything, or be paid anything to take a razor with that stuff on there.
    I agree that it might be authenthic, but i have my doubts. What we need is a person who really knows something about the history of razors; whether there ever was those with a moustache man images.

    Not so much anymore but about some 5-6 years ago there were some amount of Nazi stuff sold in the street markets of the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia). Some of it was real but most of that stuff was a fake: either it was new or then there was some old stuff where Nazi symbols were added afterwards. Of the genuine stuff there was not only the military items but also silver spoons, fountain and ballpoint pens, plates, vases, coffee cups etc etc and the price was high. I've seen an old Henckels DE razor with swastika but as i wasn't sure, i didn't buy it. I would be no surprised if the razor in question would come from those street markets. However i've never seen a straight razor there.

    Sorry my late great uncle just passed away last spring. He served in a German army (Division Wiking) during the war and he might have/have not known something about the razors with a picture of a moustache man.
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  9. #49
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparticius View Post
    The German swastika is actually the one reversed. It's also found in Hinduism and celtic religions.

    Saw this razor on the 'bay, saw it and passed. Not my thing really, didn't look closely at it as I was thinking "What poor taste".

    Very true. I meant reversed as compared to what the Nazis used.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Very true. I meant reversed as compared to what the Nazis used.
    Sorry BigSpender, me being overly pedantic as usual!


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